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General Gothic Romance Discussion

Important Threads

  1. Best "Classic" Gothic list (10 Replies)
  2. Gothic Literature Resources on the Internet (15 Replies)


  1. Help me track down a gothic (0 Replies)
  2. ebook ghostwriting services (0 Replies)
  3. Great Love Stories/Romantic Heroes in Gothics (14 Replies)
  4. Nurse gothics? (11 Replies)
  5. Dying to find gothic I read years ago! Please help :-) (3 Replies)
  6. Myths, Legends and Folklore (4 Replies)
  7. Heroine too dumb to live? (5 Replies)
  8. Gothic Journal Newsletter (1 Reply)
  9. Wade House by Florence Hurd? (2 Replies)
  10. Gothics with harems and eunuchs (0 Replies)
  11. Witchcraft and Satanic cults (1 Reply)
  12. Gothics Set in 60s/70s? (8 Replies)
  13. Elements of a bad Gothic (7 Replies)
  14. Gothic Journal Newsletter (1 Reply)
  15. Are contemporary Gothics possible? (8 Replies)
  16. Should I finish it? (9 Replies)
  17. The Beekeeper's Daughter -Gothic Romance by Jane Jordan (1 Reply)
  18. Looking for old gothic romance (3 Replies)
  19. Gothic/Gothic Romanic Suspense/Romantic Suspense (11 Replies)
  20. Rommany by Florence Hurd, anyone? (10 Replies)
  21. Gothic Journal Sept. 2016 Newsletter (0 Replies)
  22. Mary Roberts Rinehart: Has she written any true gothics? (1 Reply)
  23. Happy Ending Gothic (5 Replies)
  24. Locales for new gothics? (12 Replies)
  25. Secrets of Hallstead House by Amy M. Reade (3 Replies)
  26. Contemporary Gothic heroines - any suggestions? (3 Replies)
  27. Moonshadow Mansions (3 Replies)
  28. Gothic Novels of the Twentieth Century: An Annotated Bibliography (0 Replies)
  29. Help Needed. Is This Painting An Actual Gothic PB Cover? (6 Replies)
  30. New Gothic Romance Blog!! (7 Replies)
  31. Harlequin Shivers Launch (2 Replies)
  32. Gothics by Fantasy writers (4 Replies)
  33. 45 Days of Halloween Blog Bash (0 Replies)
  34. Gothic Romance e-books (3 Replies)
  35. I cannot remember the title of the novel or the name of the author for the life of me (0 Replies)
  36. Daughters of the King's Harem? (0 Replies)
  37. Deanna Raybourn's The dead travel fast (3 Replies)
  38. Has anyone ever seen this cover? (0 Replies)
  39. Does anyone know this title & author (2 Replies)
  40. Cover Scans (1 Reply)
  41. Was Charlotte Armstrong a witch? (1 Reply)
  42. Book Sellers and the Gothic Romance (4 Replies)
  43. Gothic Romance Lending Library Question (9 Replies)
  44. Blogs and website recommendations (6 Replies)
  45. Which Barbara Michaels Books Are Gothic? (3 Replies)
  46. unusual names in gothic novels (4 Replies)
  47. Reading or listening? (4 Replies)
  48. does anyone recognize this book? (0 Replies)
  49. Popular authors whose works you didn't like? (2 Replies)
  50. Common elements in Gothic/Romantic Suspense novels (7 Replies)
  51. Could a Gothics micro-market exist today? (29 Replies)
  52. Question for readers (8 Replies)
  53. Best (or worst?) publisher of vintage Gothics? (3 Replies)
  54. Trying to locate a possible gothic story (1 Reply)
  55. What is everyone reading? (8 Replies)
  56. Reference books (3 Replies)
  57. Help! Looking for name of book! (0 Replies)
  58. Why do you like Gothic Romance? Please help me with my project! (19 Replies)
  59. Gothic short stories? (1 Reply)
  60. I'd like to locate a title... (0 Replies)
  61. Resource for Gothic readers and writers (4 Replies)
  62. Ju-On: Japanese version of The Grudge (0 Replies)
  63. Trying to find book read in the early 80's (0 Replies)
  64. What do you do with your Gothic books after reading them? (16 Replies)
  65. trying to trace a book (0 Replies)
  66. Gothics with older men as the hero? (4 Replies)
  67. Library book sales (5 Replies)
  68. Gothic readers and weather/climate preferences (20 Replies)
  69. Remembering the Past (4 Replies)
  70. Elusive author information (4 Replies)
  71. Secrets of Sinister House (5 Replies)
  72. Private Eyes (8 Replies)
  73. Gothic Romance Novels that Don't End Happily (9 Replies)
  74. A Lancer Gilt-Edge Gothic (1 Reply)
  75. A pleasant weekend experience (8 Replies)
  76. Elements of a great Gothic? (13 Replies)
  77. Beauty only "cover" deep (6 Replies)
  78. Many Gothics not Gothic enough? (5 Replies)
  79. re-reading books three or more times (12 Replies)
  80. Mary Higgins Clark (0 Replies)
  81. Preferred time period in Gothics (6 Replies)
  82. Evil and the gothic novel (5 Replies)
  83. The Mistress and the Perfect White Blouse (0 Replies)
  84. A few questions from a newcomer to the genre (17 Replies)
  85. A few questions for the collectors (4 Replies)
  86. Does anyone have their GR collection elaborately displayed? (4 Replies)
  87. Is there a way to identify a true GR by appearance only? (1 Reply)
  88. Staying put (10 Replies)
  89. How many titles do you suppose were published from the 50's-70's? (2 Replies)
  90. First person vs. third person? (3 Replies)
  91. Gothics to avoid (12 Replies)
  92. Why gothic romance? (1 Reply)
  93. Some thoughts on Why? (3 Replies)
  94. surprise endings (1 Reply)
  95. Carola Salisbury (1 Reply)
  96. Three very good gothic titles (2 Replies)
  97. How did you first get interested in Gothic books? (22 Replies)
  98. Can you pinpoint the very first Gothic you read? (11 Replies)
  99. Hard time finding "real" gothics (3 Replies)
  100. Gothic set in US (4 Replies)
  101. What is everyone reading? (10 Replies)
  102. Mr. Rochester (8 Replies)
  103. What are the characteristics of the Gothic Romance? (15 Replies)
  104. picnic at hanging rock (8 Replies)
  105. Hungry for more gothic romance like "The House on Black Lake" (0 Replies)
  106. Advice on finding gothic romances like Clara Wimberly writes? (3 Replies)
  107. Venus In Furs (2 Replies)
  108. Vague description of a book I once read! (1 Reply)
  109. Harry Bennett illustration (3 Replies)
  110. Anybody recognize this book? (1 Reply)
  111. What is the difference between dark romantic literature and Gothic literature? (3 Replies)
  112. do you know which book this is? (3 Replies)
  113. Looking for Gothic Mystery Romance (9 Replies)
  114. The innovators and development of Am. Gothic fiction. (1 Reply)
  115. Do you like to be alone while reading? (12 Replies)
  116. How much do you read? (5 Replies)
  117. Marilyn Ross(Dan Ross) (5 Replies)
  118. cover art (6 Replies)
  119. Book suggestion (3 Replies)
  120. wuthering heights?? (5 Replies)
  121. Reworked plots/recurring themes (4 Replies)
  122. does anyone know name of this gothic (4 Replies)
  123. Looking for an author (2 Replies)
  124. Does this book description sound familiar? (0 Replies)
  125. Is Gothic literature dead? (47 Replies)
  126. Gothic settings (21 Replies)
  127. Gothic Romance movie/TV adaptations (14 Replies)
  128. Too much sex!! (0 Replies)
  129. Gothic romances set in America (8 Replies)
  130. Most popular authors (2 Replies)
  131. Rebecca's Tale by Sally Beauman (1 Reply)
  132. Gothicism in Harry Potter (1 Reply)
  133. Post-reading-binge blues (and the remedy) (1 Reply)
  134. Food in Gothics (and reader suggestibility) (1 Reply)
  135. A "Belmont Double Gothic" (4 Replies)
  136. Winter Castle (2 Replies)
  137. "The Knight of the Swan" (2 Replies)
  138. Reviews needed... (2 Replies)
  139. Gothic or Romance? (15 Replies)
  140. Mediocrity (12 Replies)
  141. Study of Jane Eyre (10 Replies)
  142. Coffee in the stories (7 Replies)
  143. Attention to detail?? (2 Replies)
  144. Australian Gothic (0 Replies)
  145. E-Book Sources for Gothic Romances? (3 Replies)
  146. This forum's "logo" art (5 Replies)
  147. Any other closet readers? (10 Replies)
  148. Unpleasant surprise in a book (2 Replies)
  149. Gothic Horror or Action Romp? (2 Replies)
  150. A fine line (1 Reply)
  151. Our strong heroines (1 Reply)
  152. Gothic's Study (0 Replies)
  153. Errors...unfortunately (0 Replies)
  154. Funny Gothics (6 Replies)
  155. Unusual settings (0 Replies)
  156. Good vs. Evil (9 Replies)
  157. Good luck at last (3 Replies)
  158. Visualizing the characters (4 Replies)
  159. How fast do you read a gothic book? (2 Replies)
  160. Inaccuracies and inconsistencies (5 Replies)
  161. Evolution of Gothic romance (3 Replies)
  162. Themed book group discussion 1: Good vs. Evil (5 Replies)
  163. Book Group Discussion (11 Replies)
  164. Do you re-read your books? (2 Replies)
  165. Memorable characters (1 Reply)
  166. Themed Gothic Discussions (3 Replies)
  167. Suggestions for historical Gothics (5 Replies)
  168. What gothics book have been turned into movies? (1 Reply)
  169. Are Gothics your favorite type of book? (2 Replies)
  170. Are there many whimsicals Gothics? (1 Reply)
  171. Crossing over (1 Reply)
  172. I stand corrected (3 Replies)
  173. Exotic Gothics are not for me (1 Reply)
  174. More info on Gothic authors and books (1 Reply)
  175. What is Gothic? (9 Replies)
  176. What is your favorite gothic romance book? (1 Reply)
  177. "Lover Revealed" (1 Reply)
  178. "Where is Jenny Now?" (1 Reply)