General Gothic Romance Discussion
Important Threads
- Best "Classic" Gothic list (10 Replies)
- Gothic Literature Resources on the Internet (15 Replies)
- Help me track down a gothic (0 Replies)
- ebook ghostwriting services (0 Replies)
- Great Love Stories/Romantic Heroes in Gothics (14 Replies)
- Nurse gothics? (11 Replies)
- Dying to find gothic I read years ago! Please help :-) (3 Replies)
- Myths, Legends and Folklore (4 Replies)
- Heroine too dumb to live? (5 Replies)
- Gothic Journal Newsletter (1 Reply)
- Wade House by Florence Hurd? (2 Replies)
- Gothics with harems and eunuchs (0 Replies)
- Witchcraft and Satanic cults (1 Reply)
- Gothics Set in 60s/70s? (8 Replies)
- Elements of a bad Gothic (7 Replies)
- Gothic Journal Newsletter (1 Reply)
- Are contemporary Gothics possible? (8 Replies)
- Should I finish it? (9 Replies)
- The Beekeeper's Daughter -Gothic Romance by Jane Jordan (1 Reply)
- Looking for old gothic romance (3 Replies)
- Gothic/Gothic Romanic Suspense/Romantic Suspense (11 Replies)
- Rommany by Florence Hurd, anyone? (10 Replies)
- Gothic Journal Sept. 2016 Newsletter (0 Replies)
- Mary Roberts Rinehart: Has she written any true gothics? (1 Reply)
- Happy Ending Gothic (5 Replies)
- Locales for new gothics? (12 Replies)
- Secrets of Hallstead House by Amy M. Reade (3 Replies)
- Contemporary Gothic heroines - any suggestions? (3 Replies)
- Moonshadow Mansions (3 Replies)
- Gothic Novels of the Twentieth Century: An Annotated Bibliography (0 Replies)
- Help Needed. Is This Painting An Actual Gothic PB Cover? (6 Replies)
- New Gothic Romance Blog!! (7 Replies)
- Harlequin Shivers Launch (2 Replies)
- Gothics by Fantasy writers (4 Replies)
- 45 Days of Halloween Blog Bash (0 Replies)
- Gothic Romance e-books (3 Replies)
- I cannot remember the title of the novel or the name of the author for the life of me (0 Replies)
- Daughters of the King's Harem? (0 Replies)
- Deanna Raybourn's The dead travel fast (3 Replies)
- Has anyone ever seen this cover? (0 Replies)
- Does anyone know this title & author (2 Replies)
- Cover Scans (1 Reply)
- Was Charlotte Armstrong a witch? (1 Reply)
- Book Sellers and the Gothic Romance (4 Replies)
- Gothic Romance Lending Library Question (9 Replies)
- Blogs and website recommendations (6 Replies)
- Which Barbara Michaels Books Are Gothic? (3 Replies)
- unusual names in gothic novels (4 Replies)
- Reading or listening? (4 Replies)
- does anyone recognize this book? (0 Replies)
- Popular authors whose works you didn't like? (2 Replies)
- Common elements in Gothic/Romantic Suspense novels (7 Replies)
- Could a Gothics micro-market exist today? (29 Replies)
- Question for readers (8 Replies)
- Best (or worst?) publisher of vintage Gothics? (3 Replies)
- Trying to locate a possible gothic story (1 Reply)
- What is everyone reading? (8 Replies)
- Reference books (3 Replies)
- Help! Looking for name of book! (0 Replies)
- Why do you like Gothic Romance? Please help me with my project! (19 Replies)
- Gothic short stories? (1 Reply)
- I'd like to locate a title... (0 Replies)
- Resource for Gothic readers and writers (4 Replies)
- Ju-On: Japanese version of The Grudge (0 Replies)
- Trying to find book read in the early 80's (0 Replies)
- What do you do with your Gothic books after reading them? (16 Replies)
- trying to trace a book (0 Replies)
- Gothics with older men as the hero? (4 Replies)
- Library book sales (5 Replies)
- Gothic readers and weather/climate preferences (20 Replies)
- Remembering the Past (4 Replies)
- Elusive author information (4 Replies)
- Secrets of Sinister House (5 Replies)
- Private Eyes (8 Replies)
- Gothic Romance Novels that Don't End Happily (9 Replies)
- A Lancer Gilt-Edge Gothic (1 Reply)
- A pleasant weekend experience (8 Replies)
- Elements of a great Gothic? (13 Replies)
- Beauty only "cover" deep (6 Replies)
- Many Gothics not Gothic enough? (5 Replies)
- re-reading books three or more times (12 Replies)
- Mary Higgins Clark (0 Replies)
- Preferred time period in Gothics (6 Replies)
- Evil and the gothic novel (5 Replies)
- The Mistress and the Perfect White Blouse (0 Replies)
- A few questions from a newcomer to the genre (17 Replies)
- A few questions for the collectors (4 Replies)
- Does anyone have their GR collection elaborately displayed? (4 Replies)
- Is there a way to identify a true GR by appearance only? (1 Reply)
- Staying put (10 Replies)
- How many titles do you suppose were published from the 50's-70's? (2 Replies)
- First person vs. third person? (3 Replies)
- Gothics to avoid (12 Replies)
- Why gothic romance? (1 Reply)
- Some thoughts on Why? (3 Replies)
- surprise endings (1 Reply)
- Carola Salisbury (1 Reply)
- Three very good gothic titles (2 Replies)
- How did you first get interested in Gothic books? (22 Replies)
- Can you pinpoint the very first Gothic you read? (11 Replies)
- Hard time finding "real" gothics (3 Replies)
- Gothic set in US (4 Replies)
- What is everyone reading? (10 Replies)
- Mr. Rochester (8 Replies)
- What are the characteristics of the Gothic Romance? (15 Replies)
- picnic at hanging rock (8 Replies)
- Hungry for more gothic romance like "The House on Black Lake" (0 Replies)
- Advice on finding gothic romances like Clara Wimberly writes? (3 Replies)
- Venus In Furs (2 Replies)
- Vague description of a book I once read! (1 Reply)
- Harry Bennett illustration (3 Replies)
- Anybody recognize this book? (1 Reply)
- What is the difference between dark romantic literature and Gothic literature? (3 Replies)
- do you know which book this is? (3 Replies)
- Looking for Gothic Mystery Romance (9 Replies)
- The innovators and development of Am. Gothic fiction. (1 Reply)
- Do you like to be alone while reading? (12 Replies)
- How much do you read? (5 Replies)
- Marilyn Ross(Dan Ross) (5 Replies)
- cover art (6 Replies)
- Book suggestion (3 Replies)
- wuthering heights?? (5 Replies)
- Reworked plots/recurring themes (4 Replies)
- does anyone know name of this gothic (4 Replies)
- Looking for an author (2 Replies)
- Does this book description sound familiar? (0 Replies)
- Is Gothic literature dead? (47 Replies)
- Gothic settings (21 Replies)
- Gothic Romance movie/TV adaptations (14 Replies)
- Too much sex!! (0 Replies)
- Gothic romances set in America (8 Replies)
- Most popular authors (2 Replies)
- Rebecca's Tale by Sally Beauman (1 Reply)
- Gothicism in Harry Potter (1 Reply)
- Post-reading-binge blues (and the remedy) (1 Reply)
- Food in Gothics (and reader suggestibility) (1 Reply)
- A "Belmont Double Gothic" (4 Replies)
- Winter Castle (2 Replies)
- "The Knight of the Swan" (2 Replies)
- Reviews needed... (2 Replies)
- Gothic or Romance? (15 Replies)
- Mediocrity (12 Replies)
- Study of Jane Eyre (10 Replies)
- Coffee in the stories (7 Replies)
- Attention to detail?? (2 Replies)
- Australian Gothic (0 Replies)
- E-Book Sources for Gothic Romances? (3 Replies)
- This forum's "logo" art (5 Replies)
- Any other closet readers? (10 Replies)
- Unpleasant surprise in a book (2 Replies)
- Gothic Horror or Action Romp? (2 Replies)
- A fine line (1 Reply)
- Our strong heroines (1 Reply)
- Gothic's Study (0 Replies)
- Errors...unfortunately (0 Replies)
- Funny Gothics (6 Replies)
- Unusual settings (0 Replies)
- Good vs. Evil (9 Replies)
- Good luck at last (3 Replies)
- Visualizing the characters (4 Replies)
- How fast do you read a gothic book? (2 Replies)
- Inaccuracies and inconsistencies (5 Replies)
- Evolution of Gothic romance (3 Replies)
- Themed book group discussion 1: Good vs. Evil (5 Replies)
- Book Group Discussion (11 Replies)
- Do you re-read your books? (2 Replies)
- Memorable characters (1 Reply)
- Themed Gothic Discussions (3 Replies)
- Suggestions for historical Gothics (5 Replies)
- What gothics book have been turned into movies? (1 Reply)
- Are Gothics your favorite type of book? (2 Replies)
- Are there many whimsicals Gothics? (1 Reply)
- Crossing over (1 Reply)
- I stand corrected (3 Replies)
- Exotic Gothics are not for me (1 Reply)
- More info on Gothic authors and books (1 Reply)
- What is Gothic? (9 Replies)
- What is your favorite gothic romance book? (1 Reply)
- "Lover Revealed" (1 Reply)
- "Where is Jenny Now?" (1 Reply)