Gothic Romance Writing
- eARC readers for gothic romance wanted! (0 Replies)
- Call for gothic romance novellas (3 Replies)
- Third book in my series is out (0 Replies)
- New book in June (1 Reply)
- batman fanfiction in the gothic romance tradition! (0 Replies)
- 2 Faces Break Completely (0 Replies)
- Symphonic Soul Searching (0 Replies)
- Murder and Maestro..The Phantom of the Opera continued in new romance... (3 Replies)
- The Collinsport Society: Roleplaying Dark Shadows (1 Reply)
- Pyromancist (Book 1: Seven Forbidden Arts) (0 Replies)
- The Haunting at Blackwood Hall (4 Replies)
- 'Walls of Ash' (0 Replies)
- Clarimonde (2 Replies)
- Contemporary Gothic Romance: Lisa Greer (2 Replies)
- The House on Blackstone Moor (sequel to follow soon)! (0 Replies)
- JUDGEMENT OF SOULS: A Kiss at Dawn (0 Replies)
- While Whispers Wait: A Gothic Radio Soap Opera (0 Replies)
- "Winter's Cove" - opening scene (1 Reply)
- "Have you ever taken a beating for love?" (0 Replies)
- The House on Black Lake - Published March 29, 2010 (1 Reply)
- Victory Cove (7 Replies)
- A Kiss of the Whip (4 Replies)
- Count Mortis Presents: Foul Proceedings (1 Reply)
- My script teaser... (2 Replies)
- When Bats Sleep (Published May 2007, Copyright Aug. 2006) (5 Replies)
- The Night Owl (3 Replies)