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Cover Art Library


  1. The Yellow Gold of Tiryns by Helena Osborne (1 Reply)
  2. Cassia Great House (2 Replies)
  3. The House of Ravensbourne by Mary Ann Gibbs (1 Reply)
  4. A Dark and Splendid Passion by Lady Eleanor Smith (0 Replies)
  5. While She Sleeps! by Ethel Lina White (0 Replies)
  6. The House of Two Wives by Douglas Locke (0 Replies)
  7. Karamour by Ariadne Pritchett (0 Replies)
  8. Maiden's Prayer by Joan Fleming (0 Replies)
  9. Her Stepfather's House by June Wetherell (0 Replies)
  10. The Captain's House by Mary Kay Simmons (1 Reply)
  11. Whisperer In The Dust (0 Replies)
  12. Ann, the Gentle by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
  13. Olivia, the Tormented by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
  14. Kate, the Curious by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
  15. Harriet, the Haunted by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
  16. Joanne, the Unpredictable by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
  17. Legacy of Ravens by Helen B Hicks (0 Replies)
  18. Ophelia, the Anxious by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
  19. Dorothy, the Terrified by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
  20. Marcia, the Innocent by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
  21. Circle of Evil by Sharon Wagner (0 Replies)
  22. Island of Silence (0 Replies)
  23. An Afternoon Walk by Dorothy Eden (1 Reply)
  24. Chateau in the Shadows by Susan Martin (0 Replies)
  25. The Witching Hour by Rona Randall (0 Replies)
  26. Intruder at Maison Benedict by Susan Richard (0 Replies)
  27. Katheryn Kimbrough cover art (4 Replies)
  28. Jerome Podwil cover art (2 Replies)
  29. The Laughing Ghost by Dorothy Eden (0 Replies)
  30. Lady of Malloy by Dorothy Eden (0 Replies)
  31. The Jackal's Head by Elizabeth Peters (0 Replies)
  32. Aquarius My Evil (2 Replies)
  33. Thunder Heights by Phyllis Whitney (Harry Bennett cover) (1 Reply)
  34. " The Glass House" original cover art (1 Reply)
  35. Kilmeny in the Darkwood (1 Reply)
  36. MOURA (0 Replies)
  37. The Devil on Lammas Night (0 Replies)
  38. Charles Copeland gothic romance covers (0 Replies)
  39. Please unravel.... (0 Replies)
  40. Preliminary book cover study (0 Replies)
  41. Yesterday's Evil original art (0 Replies)
  42. More Victor Prezio (0 Replies)
  43. Harry Bennett original paperback art (2 Replies)
  44. Various, no lettering (2 Replies)
  45. Mystery book cover (4 Replies)
  46. Marilyn Cram Donahue Art Framed (0 Replies)
  47. Victoria Holt Cover Art Framed (0 Replies)
  48. Polly, The Worried by Katheryn Kimbrough (2 Replies)
  49. The Moonflower by Phyllis Whitney (0 Replies)
  50. Does anyone know... (1 Reply)
  51. The Master of Blacktower by Barbara Michaels (3 Replies)
  52. Mansion of Golden Windows by Elsie Lee (1 Reply)
  53. More Lou Marchetti art (2 Replies)
  54. Ilene, the Superstitious by Katheryn Kimbrough (1 Reply)
  55. Ammie, Come Home by Barbara Michaels (0 Replies)
  56. The Witces of All Saints by Jill Tattersall (0 Replies)
  57. The Dark Shore by Susan Howatch (0 Replies)
  58. Call in the Night by Susan Howatch (0 Replies)
  59. The Dark on the Other Side by Barbara Michaels (0 Replies)
  60. Lodge Sister by Dana Ross, Hector Garrido Cover (1 Reply)
  61. New Flickr Group (0 Replies)
  62. Another mystery book cover (0 Replies)
  63. Benevent Treasure (0 Replies)
  64. Artist Les Edwards (0 Replies)
  65. The Shadowed Porch (0 Replies)
  66. Castle of Evil (0 Replies)
  67. Original book cover art to.... (0 Replies)
  68. Seed of the Falcon by Catherine Darby (0 Replies)
  69. Nightmare in Eden by Miriam Asher (0 Replies)
  70. Who Rides a Tiger by Doris Miles Disney (0 Replies)
  71. The Ides of November by Florence Stevenson (0 Replies)
  72. Hand of the Impostor by Paula Minton (0 Replies)
  73. The Turret Room by Charlotte Armstrong, Harry Bennett Cover (0 Replies)
  74. House of Men by Catherine Marchant (0 Replies)
  75. The Protege by Charlotte Armstrong, Harry Bennett Cover (0 Replies)
  76. The Dark Wing by June Wetherell (0 Replies)
  77. The Twilight Web by W. E. D. Ross (0 Replies)
  78. Maulever Hall by Joan Aiken Hodge, Larry Lurin Cover (0 Replies)
  79. You'll Like My Mother by Naomi A. Hintze, Cover by Harry Bennett (0 Replies)
  80. Haelstrom Manor by S. J. Treibich (0 Replies)
  81. The Terror Trap by Willo Davis Roberts (0 Replies)
  82. Bride of Lenore by Cynthia Kavanaugh (0 Replies)
  83. Seminar in Evil by Daoma Winston (0 Replies)
  84. Twice Lost by Phyllis Paul (0 Replies)
  85. The Hounds of the Moon by Elisabeth Offutt Allen (0 Replies)
  86. A Shadow in the House by Florence Stevenson (0 Replies)
  87. Lemon in the Basket by Charlotte Armstrong (0 Replies)
  88. Terror in the Bay by Ione Frances Turek (0 Replies)
  89. The Wine of Vengeance by Julie Wellsley (0 Replies)
  90. Shadow Over Denby by Marilyn Ross (0 Replies)
  91. Ring of Fear by Anne McCaffrey (0 Replies)
  92. House of Four Widows by Delphine C. Lyons (0 Replies)
  93. To Dwell in Shadows by Nancy Carolyn Smith (0 Replies)
  94. Souvenir of Monique by Marion Zimmer Bradley (0 Replies)
  95. Heir to Polventon by Marjorie Watson (0 Replies)
  96. Night of the Black Tower by Olga Sinclair (0 Replies)
  97. The Key by Barbara Kevern (0 Replies)
  98. The Black Dog by Georgena Goff (0 Replies)
  99. The Window at the White Cat by Mary Roberts Rinehart (1 Reply)
  100. House of Illusion by Nicola Devon (1 Reply)
  101. Fingers of Fear by John Nicolson (0 Replies)
  102. Dragonwyck by Anya Seton (0 Replies)
  103. House of Many Shadows by Barbara Michaels (0 Replies)
  104. The Mask of the Enchantress by Victoria Holt (0 Replies)
  105. The Devil on Horseback by Victoria Holt (0 Replies)
  106. Robert Maguire Preliminary studies (0 Replies)
  107. Witches' Brew original art (0 Replies)
  108. The Circular Staircase (0 Replies)
  109. Die,Jessica,Die (1 Reply)
  110. The Case of Jenny Brice by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Victor Kalin) (0 Replies)
  111. "Face in the Pond" original cover art (0 Replies)
  112. The Fire of Love (0 Replies)
  113. Terror Touches Me (0 Replies)
  114. The Burden by Mary Westmacott (Harry Bennett) (0 Replies)
  115. Those Subtle Weeds (0 Replies)
  116. Mallory's Luck (0 Replies)
  117. A Howling in the Woods (0 Replies)
  118. The Unguarded (0 Replies)
  119. The Venus Factor (0 Replies)
  120. Conjure Wife (0 Replies)
  121. A Light in the Window by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
  122. Shorecliff by Marilyn Ross (4 Replies)
  123. This Strange Adventure by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
  124. The Episode of the Wandering Knife by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Victor Kalin) (0 Replies)
  125. The Yellow Room by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
  126. The Circular Staircase by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
  127. Haunted Lady by Mary Roberts Rinehart (2 Replies)
  128. Lost Ecstasy by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
  129. The Frightened Wife by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
  130. The Breaking Point by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
  131. The Crystal Crow by Joan Aiken (0 Replies)
  132. The Shadow Between by Ruth Abbey (0 Replies)
  133. The Fortune Hunters by Joan Aiken (2 Replies)
  134. Whisper of Heather by Lynn Benedict (0 Replies)
  135. Night at Sea Abbey by Virginia Coffman (0 Replies)
  136. Falconlough by Monica Heath (0 Replies)
  137. The Spanish Chapel by Dorothy Daniels (0 Replies)
  138. The Blackwood Cult by T.A. Waters (0 Replies)
  139. The Hovering Darkness by Evelyn Berckman (0 Replies)
  140. The House on the Hill by Jane Whitehead (0 Replies)
  141. Dunleary by Monica Heath (0 Replies)
  142. The Brooding House by Alice Brennan (0 Replies)
  143. Shadow at Dunster Hall by Eugenia Desmond (0 Replies)
  144. Ghost of Coquina Key by Jean Bellamy (0 Replies)
  145. The Doctor by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
  146. The Devil on Lammas Night by Susan Howatch (0 Replies)
  147. Quin's Hide by Margaret Summerton (0 Replies)
  148. The Master of Penrose by Jane Aiken Hodge (0 Replies)
  149. The Marble Leaf by Dorothy Daniels (0 Replies)
  150. The Waiting Sands by Susan Howatch (0 Replies)
  151. Haunted Island (1 Reply)
  152. Shadow of the Caravan by Saliee O'Brien (0 Replies)
  153. Hawksbill Manor by Alicia Grace (0 Replies)
  154. The Dark Guardian by Vanessa Blake (0 Replies)
  155. The Curse of the Concullens by Florence Stevenson (0 Replies)
  156. The Brackenroyd Inheritance by Erica Lindley (0 Replies)
  157. Green Fire by Anne Maybury (0 Replies)
  158. The Pavilion at Monkshood by Anne Maybury (0 Replies)
  159. Michael's Wife by Marlys Millhiser (0 Replies)
  160. Greenwood by Jean Phillips (0 Replies)
  161. Beware My Love! by Marilyn Ross (0 Replies)
  162. The Locked Corridor by Marilyn Ross (0 Replies)
  163. Legend of the Loch by Alanna Knight (0 Replies)
  164. The Vesey Inheritance by Gwendoline Butler (0 Replies)
  165. Dark Villa by Dorothy Daniels (0 Replies)
  166. The Dark Side of Paradise by Jo Anne Creighton (1 Reply)
  167. Black Autumn by Elaine Evans (0 Replies)
  168. The Phantom Room by Elizabeth Erin Mande (0 Replies)
  169. The Secret of Dresden Farm by Genevieve St. John (0 Replies)
  170. Dark Cypress by Edwina Noone (0 Replies)
  171. Widow's Walk (0 Replies)
  172. Lady of the Moors (0 Replies)
  173. Mystery book cover (0 Replies)
  174. Original paperback art (3 Replies)
  175. The Ghost Belonged to Me (0 Replies)
  176. Another mystery book cover (0 Replies)
  177. Witches' Cove original book cover art (0 Replies)
  178. Framed art (2 Replies)
  179. "The Dark Gondola" original art (1 Reply)
  180. "Sutter's Sand" original book cover art (0 Replies)
  181. Secret of the Willows (1 Reply)
  182. "Storm Castle" original cover art (0 Replies)
  183. "The Curse of Wayfield" original art (0 Replies)
  184. Beautiful cover here! (2 Replies)
  185. With Murder in Mind (0 Replies)
  186. "The Waiting Sands" original cover (1 Reply)
  187. Original Cover to "Pilgrims End" (2 Replies)
  188. Artist Charles Copeland (1 Reply)
  189. I Am Gabriella! by Anne Maybury (2 Replies)
  190. More Harry Barton art (0 Replies)
  191. Satan's Acres original cover art (0 Replies)
  192. Which Books cover is in the forums head? (1 Reply)
  193. "The Mistress of Falcon Hill" original cover art (0 Replies)
  194. This Old, Evil House by Laura Frances Brooks (0 Replies)
  195. Fear No Evil by Alice Brennan (0 Replies)
  196. Original Cover "A Wicked Pack of Cards" (0 Replies)
  197. Original Cover to "Flower of Love" (0 Replies)
  198. Raneslough (0 Replies)
  199. A Castle in Canada (1 Reply)
  200. Caroline Farr (0 Replies)
  201. Another prolific gothic romance cover artist (1 Reply)
  202. Original Cover to " A Tear in the Silk' (1 Reply)
  203. Jerome Podwil art (1 Reply)
  204. Bellatrix, I know who the artist is of.... (0 Replies)
  205. Joe Forte gothic romance book cover (0 Replies)
  206. Here's another original cover (0 Replies)
  207. The Mallen Streak (1 Reply)
  208. Is this a gothic romance book cover? (3 Replies)
  209. Original Cover to " She Came Back" (4 Replies)
  210. Original Cover to " Whistle for the Crows" (3 Replies)
  211. Images at my blog (1 Reply)
  212. "Knight's Keep" (1 Reply)
  213. And even more Kalin (0 Replies)
  214. More Kalin (0 Replies)
  215. Victor Kalin art (0 Replies)
  216. More gothic romance art (0 Replies)
  217. Original gothic romance cover (0 Replies)
  218. Cover For Moonmilk And Murder (2 Replies)
  219. "Festival of Darkness"original art (0 Replies)
  220. Dreadful Hollow by Irina Karlova (1 Reply)
  221. Robert McGinnis original art (6 Replies)
  222. "Sleep No More" (0 Replies)
  223. " Night of the Letter" (0 Replies)
  224. " The Shrouded Wall" (0 Replies)
  225. Witch by Barbara Michaels (Harry Bennett cover) (0 Replies)
  226. Ammie Come Home by Barbara Michaels (0 Replies)
  227. Harry Bennett Illustration for The Gabriel Hounds by Mary Stewart (0 Replies)
  228. The Sea House by Margaret Summerton (0 Replies)
  229. The Prisoner by Donella St. Michaels (0 Replies)
  230. Window on the Square, Phyllis A. Whitney (0 Replies)
  231. " The Waiting Sands" Susan Howatch (0 Replies)
  232. Joseph Forte " THE HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL" (0 Replies)
  233. Harry Barton (6 Replies)
  234. " The Porterfield Legacy" (0 Replies)
  235. Black Heather & Night at Sea Abbey (Signet Double Gothic) (0 Replies)
  236. The Villa Fountains & The Deadly Rose (Belmont Double Gothic) (0 Replies)
  237. Amber Twilight & Portrait of Terror (Belmont Double Gothic) (0 Replies)
  238. The Mark of the Rope by Miriam Lynch (0 Replies)
  239. The Waiting Sands by Susan Howatch (different cover) (0 Replies)
  240. " Lucifer was tall" original book cover art (0 Replies)
  241. " The Evil of Time" original cover art (1 Reply)
  242. Mostly by Moonlight :: Dorothy Daniels (1 Reply)
  243. Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin [original cover] (0 Replies)
  244. The Dark of Memory by Paula Minton (0 Replies)
  245. Barrow Sinister by Elsie Lee (0 Replies)
  246. Bells of Widow's Bay by Miriam Lynch (0 Replies)
  247. Seven Tears for Apollo & The Quicksilver Pool by Phyllis A. Whitney (0 Replies)
  248. Season of Evil by Jane Gordon (0 Replies)
  249. Hounds of Hell & Carnaby Curse (Belmont Double Gothic) (0 Replies)
  250. Satan's Rock by Marilyn Ross (0 Replies)
  251. "The Silent Place" original cover art (0 Replies)
  252. One more gothic romance slash fantasy cover (0 Replies)
  253. " The Three Sisters" original cover art (0 Replies)
  254. " The Deep Pool" original cover art (0 Replies)
  255. " The Love of Lucifer" original art (1 Reply)
  256. Victor Kalin art (0 Replies)
  257. Artists swiping themselves (4 Replies)
  258. Unknown Artist (0 Replies)
  259. Artist Jack Faragasso (0 Replies)
  260. Bright Deadly Summer (0 Replies)
  261. Trying to identify this cover (2 Replies)
  262. "Circle of Death" original cover art (4 Replies)
  263. Rare Gothic Romance cover by Charles Sovek (1 Reply)
  264. "Moonshadow Mansion" Original book cover art (0 Replies)
  265. Conover's Folly by Dorothy Daniels (2 Replies)
  266. Reception at High Tower by Dewey Ward (1 Reply)
  267. Brownstone Gothic by Elizabeth Shenkin (1 Reply)
  268. The Legend of the Seventh Virgin by Victoria Holt (2 Replies)
  269. Book cover vs Original (0 Replies)
  270. Katherine Wigmore Eyre Monks' Court Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
  271. Jill Tattersall The Wild Hunt Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
  272. The Shuttered Room by Julia Withers (0 Replies)
  273. Anne Eliot Return to Aylforth Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
  274. Anne Stevenson A Game of Statues Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
  275. Jill Tattersall Lady Ingram's Room Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
  276. Naidra Grey Foxglove Summer Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
  277. Jill Tattersall Lyonesse Abbey Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
  278. Barbara Michaels The Dark on the Other Side Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
  279. Anya Seton Green Darkness (0 Replies)
  280. Barbara Michaels The Dark on the Other Side (Then and Now) (0 Replies)
  281. Victoria Holt: Curse of the Kings and Shadow of the Lynx (0 Replies)
  282. Winter Castle by Alexandra Bel-Robere (1 Reply)
  283. Nun's Castle by Jenny Melville (0 Replies)
  284. The Waiting Sands by Susan Howatch (1 Reply)
  285. The Falcon Tree by Catherine Darby (0 Replies)
  286. Thunder on the Right by Mary Stewart (3 Replies)
  287. My Brother Michael by Mary Stewart (0 Replies)
  288. The Shivering Sands by Victoria Holt (0 Replies)
  289. Wildfire at Midnight by Mary Stewart (0 Replies)
  290. Malice Domestic by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
  291. Fatal Lady by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
  292. Trust A Woman? by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
  293. Call It Accident by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
  294. Sleep Without Morning by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
  295. The Man in the Shadow by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
  296. Ominous Star by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
  297. Golden Era Gothic Book Covers (3 Replies)