Cover Art Library
- The Yellow Gold of Tiryns by Helena Osborne (1 Reply)
- Cassia Great House (2 Replies)
- The House of Ravensbourne by Mary Ann Gibbs (1 Reply)
- A Dark and Splendid Passion by Lady Eleanor Smith (0 Replies)
- While She Sleeps! by Ethel Lina White (0 Replies)
- The House of Two Wives by Douglas Locke (0 Replies)
- Karamour by Ariadne Pritchett (0 Replies)
- Maiden's Prayer by Joan Fleming (0 Replies)
- Her Stepfather's House by June Wetherell (0 Replies)
- The Captain's House by Mary Kay Simmons (1 Reply)
- Whisperer In The Dust (0 Replies)
- Ann, the Gentle by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
- Olivia, the Tormented by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
- Kate, the Curious by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
- Harriet, the Haunted by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
- Joanne, the Unpredictable by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
- Legacy of Ravens by Helen B Hicks (0 Replies)
- Ophelia, the Anxious by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
- Dorothy, the Terrified by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
- Marcia, the Innocent by Katheryn Kimbrough (0 Replies)
- Circle of Evil by Sharon Wagner (0 Replies)
- Island of Silence (0 Replies)
- An Afternoon Walk by Dorothy Eden (1 Reply)
- Chateau in the Shadows by Susan Martin (0 Replies)
- The Witching Hour by Rona Randall (0 Replies)
- Intruder at Maison Benedict by Susan Richard (0 Replies)
- Katheryn Kimbrough cover art (4 Replies)
- Jerome Podwil cover art (2 Replies)
- The Laughing Ghost by Dorothy Eden (0 Replies)
- Lady of Malloy by Dorothy Eden (0 Replies)
- The Jackal's Head by Elizabeth Peters (0 Replies)
- Aquarius My Evil (2 Replies)
- Thunder Heights by Phyllis Whitney (Harry Bennett cover) (1 Reply)
- " The Glass House" original cover art (1 Reply)
- Kilmeny in the Darkwood (1 Reply)
- MOURA (0 Replies)
- The Devil on Lammas Night (0 Replies)
- Charles Copeland gothic romance covers (0 Replies)
- Please unravel.... (0 Replies)
- Preliminary book cover study (0 Replies)
- Yesterday's Evil original art (0 Replies)
- More Victor Prezio (0 Replies)
- Harry Bennett original paperback art (2 Replies)
- Various, no lettering (2 Replies)
- Mystery book cover (4 Replies)
- Marilyn Cram Donahue Art Framed (0 Replies)
- Victoria Holt Cover Art Framed (0 Replies)
- Polly, The Worried by Katheryn Kimbrough (2 Replies)
- The Moonflower by Phyllis Whitney (0 Replies)
- Does anyone know... (1 Reply)
- The Master of Blacktower by Barbara Michaels (3 Replies)
- Mansion of Golden Windows by Elsie Lee (1 Reply)
- More Lou Marchetti art (2 Replies)
- Ilene, the Superstitious by Katheryn Kimbrough (1 Reply)
- Ammie, Come Home by Barbara Michaels (0 Replies)
- The Witces of All Saints by Jill Tattersall (0 Replies)
- The Dark Shore by Susan Howatch (0 Replies)
- Call in the Night by Susan Howatch (0 Replies)
- The Dark on the Other Side by Barbara Michaels (0 Replies)
- Lodge Sister by Dana Ross, Hector Garrido Cover (1 Reply)
- New Flickr Group (0 Replies)
- Another mystery book cover (0 Replies)
- Benevent Treasure (0 Replies)
- Artist Les Edwards (0 Replies)
- The Shadowed Porch (0 Replies)
- Castle of Evil (0 Replies)
- Original book cover art to.... (0 Replies)
- Seed of the Falcon by Catherine Darby (0 Replies)
- Nightmare in Eden by Miriam Asher (0 Replies)
- Who Rides a Tiger by Doris Miles Disney (0 Replies)
- The Ides of November by Florence Stevenson (0 Replies)
- Hand of the Impostor by Paula Minton (0 Replies)
- The Turret Room by Charlotte Armstrong, Harry Bennett Cover (0 Replies)
- House of Men by Catherine Marchant (0 Replies)
- The Protege by Charlotte Armstrong, Harry Bennett Cover (0 Replies)
- The Dark Wing by June Wetherell (0 Replies)
- The Twilight Web by W. E. D. Ross (0 Replies)
- Maulever Hall by Joan Aiken Hodge, Larry Lurin Cover (0 Replies)
- You'll Like My Mother by Naomi A. Hintze, Cover by Harry Bennett (0 Replies)
- Haelstrom Manor by S. J. Treibich (0 Replies)
- The Terror Trap by Willo Davis Roberts (0 Replies)
- Bride of Lenore by Cynthia Kavanaugh (0 Replies)
- Seminar in Evil by Daoma Winston (0 Replies)
- Twice Lost by Phyllis Paul (0 Replies)
- The Hounds of the Moon by Elisabeth Offutt Allen (0 Replies)
- A Shadow in the House by Florence Stevenson (0 Replies)
- Lemon in the Basket by Charlotte Armstrong (0 Replies)
- Terror in the Bay by Ione Frances Turek (0 Replies)
- The Wine of Vengeance by Julie Wellsley (0 Replies)
- Shadow Over Denby by Marilyn Ross (0 Replies)
- Ring of Fear by Anne McCaffrey (0 Replies)
- House of Four Widows by Delphine C. Lyons (0 Replies)
- To Dwell in Shadows by Nancy Carolyn Smith (0 Replies)
- Souvenir of Monique by Marion Zimmer Bradley (0 Replies)
- Heir to Polventon by Marjorie Watson (0 Replies)
- Night of the Black Tower by Olga Sinclair (0 Replies)
- The Key by Barbara Kevern (0 Replies)
- The Black Dog by Georgena Goff (0 Replies)
- The Window at the White Cat by Mary Roberts Rinehart (1 Reply)
- House of Illusion by Nicola Devon (1 Reply)
- Fingers of Fear by John Nicolson (0 Replies)
- Dragonwyck by Anya Seton (0 Replies)
- House of Many Shadows by Barbara Michaels (0 Replies)
- The Mask of the Enchantress by Victoria Holt (0 Replies)
- The Devil on Horseback by Victoria Holt (0 Replies)
- Robert Maguire Preliminary studies (0 Replies)
- Witches' Brew original art (0 Replies)
- The Circular Staircase (0 Replies)
- Die,Jessica,Die (1 Reply)
- The Case of Jenny Brice by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Victor Kalin) (0 Replies)
- "Face in the Pond" original cover art (0 Replies)
- The Fire of Love (0 Replies)
- Terror Touches Me (0 Replies)
- The Burden by Mary Westmacott (Harry Bennett) (0 Replies)
- Those Subtle Weeds (0 Replies)
- Mallory's Luck (0 Replies)
- A Howling in the Woods (0 Replies)
- The Unguarded (0 Replies)
- The Venus Factor (0 Replies)
- Conjure Wife (0 Replies)
- A Light in the Window by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
- Shorecliff by Marilyn Ross (4 Replies)
- This Strange Adventure by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
- The Episode of the Wandering Knife by Mary Roberts Rinehart (Victor Kalin) (0 Replies)
- The Yellow Room by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
- The Circular Staircase by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
- Haunted Lady by Mary Roberts Rinehart (2 Replies)
- Lost Ecstasy by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
- The Frightened Wife by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
- The Breaking Point by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
- The Crystal Crow by Joan Aiken (0 Replies)
- The Shadow Between by Ruth Abbey (0 Replies)
- The Fortune Hunters by Joan Aiken (2 Replies)
- Whisper of Heather by Lynn Benedict (0 Replies)
- Night at Sea Abbey by Virginia Coffman (0 Replies)
- Falconlough by Monica Heath (0 Replies)
- The Spanish Chapel by Dorothy Daniels (0 Replies)
- The Blackwood Cult by T.A. Waters (0 Replies)
- The Hovering Darkness by Evelyn Berckman (0 Replies)
- The House on the Hill by Jane Whitehead (0 Replies)
- Dunleary by Monica Heath (0 Replies)
- The Brooding House by Alice Brennan (0 Replies)
- Shadow at Dunster Hall by Eugenia Desmond (0 Replies)
- Ghost of Coquina Key by Jean Bellamy (0 Replies)
- The Doctor by Mary Roberts Rinehart (0 Replies)
- The Devil on Lammas Night by Susan Howatch (0 Replies)
- Quin's Hide by Margaret Summerton (0 Replies)
- The Master of Penrose by Jane Aiken Hodge (0 Replies)
- The Marble Leaf by Dorothy Daniels (0 Replies)
- The Waiting Sands by Susan Howatch (0 Replies)
- Haunted Island (1 Reply)
- Shadow of the Caravan by Saliee O'Brien (0 Replies)
- Hawksbill Manor by Alicia Grace (0 Replies)
- The Dark Guardian by Vanessa Blake (0 Replies)
- The Curse of the Concullens by Florence Stevenson (0 Replies)
- The Brackenroyd Inheritance by Erica Lindley (0 Replies)
- Green Fire by Anne Maybury (0 Replies)
- The Pavilion at Monkshood by Anne Maybury (0 Replies)
- Michael's Wife by Marlys Millhiser (0 Replies)
- Greenwood by Jean Phillips (0 Replies)
- Beware My Love! by Marilyn Ross (0 Replies)
- The Locked Corridor by Marilyn Ross (0 Replies)
- Legend of the Loch by Alanna Knight (0 Replies)
- The Vesey Inheritance by Gwendoline Butler (0 Replies)
- Dark Villa by Dorothy Daniels (0 Replies)
- The Dark Side of Paradise by Jo Anne Creighton (1 Reply)
- Black Autumn by Elaine Evans (0 Replies)
- The Phantom Room by Elizabeth Erin Mande (0 Replies)
- The Secret of Dresden Farm by Genevieve St. John (0 Replies)
- Dark Cypress by Edwina Noone (0 Replies)
- Widow's Walk (0 Replies)
- Lady of the Moors (0 Replies)
- Mystery book cover (0 Replies)
- Original paperback art (3 Replies)
- The Ghost Belonged to Me (0 Replies)
- Another mystery book cover (0 Replies)
- Witches' Cove original book cover art (0 Replies)
- Framed art (2 Replies)
- "The Dark Gondola" original art (1 Reply)
- "Sutter's Sand" original book cover art (0 Replies)
- Secret of the Willows (1 Reply)
- "Storm Castle" original cover art (0 Replies)
- "The Curse of Wayfield" original art (0 Replies)
- Beautiful cover here! (2 Replies)
- With Murder in Mind (0 Replies)
- "The Waiting Sands" original cover (1 Reply)
- Original Cover to "Pilgrims End" (2 Replies)
- Artist Charles Copeland (1 Reply)
- I Am Gabriella! by Anne Maybury (2 Replies)
- More Harry Barton art (0 Replies)
- Satan's Acres original cover art (0 Replies)
- Which Books cover is in the forums head? (1 Reply)
- "The Mistress of Falcon Hill" original cover art (0 Replies)
- This Old, Evil House by Laura Frances Brooks (0 Replies)
- Fear No Evil by Alice Brennan (0 Replies)
- Original Cover "A Wicked Pack of Cards" (0 Replies)
- Original Cover to "Flower of Love" (0 Replies)
- Raneslough (0 Replies)
- A Castle in Canada (1 Reply)
- Caroline Farr (0 Replies)
- Another prolific gothic romance cover artist (1 Reply)
- Original Cover to " A Tear in the Silk' (1 Reply)
- Jerome Podwil art (1 Reply)
- Bellatrix, I know who the artist is of.... (0 Replies)
- Joe Forte gothic romance book cover (0 Replies)
- Here's another original cover (0 Replies)
- The Mallen Streak (1 Reply)
- Is this a gothic romance book cover? (3 Replies)
- Original Cover to " She Came Back" (4 Replies)
- Original Cover to " Whistle for the Crows" (3 Replies)
- Images at my blog (1 Reply)
- "Knight's Keep" (1 Reply)
- And even more Kalin (0 Replies)
- More Kalin (0 Replies)
- Victor Kalin art (0 Replies)
- More gothic romance art (0 Replies)
- Original gothic romance cover (0 Replies)
- Cover For Moonmilk And Murder (2 Replies)
- "Festival of Darkness"original art (0 Replies)
- Dreadful Hollow by Irina Karlova (1 Reply)
- Robert McGinnis original art (6 Replies)
- "Sleep No More" (0 Replies)
- " Night of the Letter" (0 Replies)
- " The Shrouded Wall" (0 Replies)
- Witch by Barbara Michaels (Harry Bennett cover) (0 Replies)
- Ammie Come Home by Barbara Michaels (0 Replies)
- Harry Bennett Illustration for The Gabriel Hounds by Mary Stewart (0 Replies)
- The Sea House by Margaret Summerton (0 Replies)
- The Prisoner by Donella St. Michaels (0 Replies)
- Window on the Square, Phyllis A. Whitney (0 Replies)
- " The Waiting Sands" Susan Howatch (0 Replies)
- Joseph Forte " THE HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL" (0 Replies)
- Harry Barton (6 Replies)
- " The Porterfield Legacy" (0 Replies)
- Black Heather & Night at Sea Abbey (Signet Double Gothic) (0 Replies)
- The Villa Fountains & The Deadly Rose (Belmont Double Gothic) (0 Replies)
- Amber Twilight & Portrait of Terror (Belmont Double Gothic) (0 Replies)
- The Mark of the Rope by Miriam Lynch (0 Replies)
- The Waiting Sands by Susan Howatch (different cover) (0 Replies)
- " Lucifer was tall" original book cover art (0 Replies)
- " The Evil of Time" original cover art (1 Reply)
- Mostly by Moonlight :: Dorothy Daniels (1 Reply)
- Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin [original cover] (0 Replies)
- The Dark of Memory by Paula Minton (0 Replies)
- Barrow Sinister by Elsie Lee (0 Replies)
- Bells of Widow's Bay by Miriam Lynch (0 Replies)
- Seven Tears for Apollo & The Quicksilver Pool by Phyllis A. Whitney (0 Replies)
- Season of Evil by Jane Gordon (0 Replies)
- Hounds of Hell & Carnaby Curse (Belmont Double Gothic) (0 Replies)
- Satan's Rock by Marilyn Ross (0 Replies)
- "The Silent Place" original cover art (0 Replies)
- One more gothic romance slash fantasy cover (0 Replies)
- " The Three Sisters" original cover art (0 Replies)
- " The Deep Pool" original cover art (0 Replies)
- " The Love of Lucifer" original art (1 Reply)
- Victor Kalin art (0 Replies)
- Artists swiping themselves (4 Replies)
- Unknown Artist (0 Replies)
- Artist Jack Faragasso (0 Replies)
- Bright Deadly Summer (0 Replies)
- Trying to identify this cover (2 Replies)
- "Circle of Death" original cover art (4 Replies)
- Rare Gothic Romance cover by Charles Sovek (1 Reply)
- "Moonshadow Mansion" Original book cover art (0 Replies)
- Conover's Folly by Dorothy Daniels (2 Replies)
- Reception at High Tower by Dewey Ward (1 Reply)
- Brownstone Gothic by Elizabeth Shenkin (1 Reply)
- The Legend of the Seventh Virgin by Victoria Holt (2 Replies)
- Book cover vs Original (0 Replies)
- Katherine Wigmore Eyre Monks' Court Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
- Jill Tattersall The Wild Hunt Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
- The Shuttered Room by Julia Withers (0 Replies)
- Anne Eliot Return to Aylforth Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
- Anne Stevenson A Game of Statues Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
- Jill Tattersall Lady Ingram's Room Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
- Naidra Grey Foxglove Summer Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
- Jill Tattersall Lyonesse Abbey Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
- Barbara Michaels The Dark on the Other Side Charles Geer Illustration (0 Replies)
- Anya Seton Green Darkness (0 Replies)
- Barbara Michaels The Dark on the Other Side (Then and Now) (0 Replies)
- Victoria Holt: Curse of the Kings and Shadow of the Lynx (0 Replies)
- Winter Castle by Alexandra Bel-Robere (1 Reply)
- Nun's Castle by Jenny Melville (0 Replies)
- The Waiting Sands by Susan Howatch (1 Reply)
- The Falcon Tree by Catherine Darby (0 Replies)
- Thunder on the Right by Mary Stewart (3 Replies)
- My Brother Michael by Mary Stewart (0 Replies)
- The Shivering Sands by Victoria Holt (0 Replies)
- Wildfire at Midnight by Mary Stewart (0 Replies)
- Malice Domestic by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
- Fatal Lady by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
- Trust A Woman? by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
- Call It Accident by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
- Sleep Without Morning by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
- The Man in the Shadow by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
- Ominous Star by Rae Foley (0 Replies)
- Golden Era Gothic Book Covers (3 Replies)