Although you know me here as Monique Devereaux, I recently started a blog called
The Midnight Room under my own name, Barrymore Tebbs, in which I am writing about Gothic Art, Fiction, and Film. I realize this is the "Other Fiction" category, but I didn't know where else to put it. If you visit, please let me know what you think.
(11-17-2011, 07:23 PM)Monique Devereaux Wrote: [ -> ]Although you know me here as Monique Devereaux, I recently started a blog called The Midnight Room under my own name, Barrymore Tebbs, in which I am writing about Gothic Art, Fiction, and Film. I realize this is the "Other Fiction" category, but I didn't know where else to put it. If you visit, please let me know what you think.
Your blog looks delightful! Every house should have a Midnight Room. I see many of my favorite things there and I have bookmarked it, the better to check back periodically to see what's new there. (You get extra bonus points for mentioning Barbara Steele, too.)
(11-22-2011, 04:15 AM)Penfeather Wrote: [ -> ]You get extra bonus points for mentioning Barbara Steele, too.
I'll take that as a vote for a special Ode to Barbara Steele blog post.

Your posts are really damn good!
I mean, since it's 2018 already, the design is a bit outdated. But that's a small issue, if it's an issue at all.
The content totally rocks!