I am new to this recently discovered by me forum but old and diehard Goth. For even more time, I am a lover of Gothic Art and literature.
Herzlich Wilkommen, Einsamer Krieger!
(12-12-2011, 02:19 PM)Einsamer Krieger Wrote: [ -> ]Hello.
I am new to this recently discovered by me forum but old and diehard Goth. For even more time, I am a lover of Gothic Art and literature.
Welcome, I found this forum a week or two ago. I'm not so much a die-hard Goth-I'm now a little old and I like my food too much to have that pale, wan, slightly undernourished look that i think is essential for the Goth.
I love Goth novels (and architecture for that matter) I'm also an aspirnig author and would love to write the perfect new take on the Gothic novel.
Vielen Dank.
The Ming
Interesting way of mind. Than I am so Goth that whatever I choose to eat, it is not able to affect my Gothic appearance anymore.

Being some kind of author myself, I got interested... What is your idea about the new take?
(12-12-2011, 06:36 PM)Einsamer Krieger Wrote: [ -> ]Being some kind of author myself, I got interested... What is your idea about the new take?
I think it's about finding a believable voice and situation whilst sticking to the familiar elements of young woman in peril, mystery and atmospheric building. It's tricky to achieve believable isolation in this modern age of telecommunications, computers etc.
The isolation of yourself or a fiction character from modern world? This can be not easy to achieve for both. Technology when uncontrolled can be destructive for author' minds, but it seems to me that I learned now to force it to obey and help me without taking away the necessary legacy of the past.
(12-13-2011, 09:20 AM)Einsamer Krieger Wrote: [ -> ]The isolation of yourself or a fiction character from modern world? This can be not easy to achieve for both. Technology when uncontrolled can be destructive for author' minds, but it seems to me that I learned now to force it to obey and help me without taking away the necessary legacy of the past.
THe isolation of a fictional character. If you're in peril the tendency for most people is to go to the police or get the hell out of wherever you are. There must be a plausible reason for keeping the heroine in peril or otherwise you don't have a story.
Of course my tendency to procrastinate by hanging out on internet discussions and surfing the web rather than writing is a whole other story.
This is interesting. Is isolation so important? The heroines of old could have escaped the castle if they had been desperate enough.
Perhaps the trick is to have a heroine doubt the danger. It might have been accidental. She could have tripped and wasn't pushed from the stairs. She may just have a tummy ache and it wasn't poison. It usually isn't until the end of the story that the danger becomes a real person.
Quote:THe isolation of a fictional character. If you're in peril the tendency for most people is to go to the police or get the hell out of wherever you are. There must be a plausible reason for keeping the heroine in peril or otherwise you don't have a story.
Getting out of trouble is far not always can be represented as those universal "civil" ways. This all depends on situation. And the character of course, I doubt that common modern girl will go wandering around the haunted places.
People are generally civilised and behave according to societal norms, it is only when civilised means are denied to your characters that they will break with societal norms-unless of course you're writing about psychopaths or sociopaths etc and that's ok for your villain but not hero/ine. What I was saying is that one must come up with believable reasons for your characters to act contrary to common sense (ie running away or calling the Police) or social norms.