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Full Version: The Secret of Canfield House by Florence Hurd
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Well-written, fast-paced very traditional Gothic tale taking place in what was then contemporary New England. Young woman takes on the job of housekeeper/caretaker of a weekend house in a small New England village, where a prowler is looking for treasure.

I can't say that it was "A" material but very good - "B+". I'll include it in the top 50, even though I haven't read enough to say it is the greatest. I liked the author's style and hope to find more by her.
This is one of my favorite gothics as well! Has anyone read any other books by Florence Hurd?

(11-19-2007, 09:01 PM)whitelady Wrote: [ -> ]Well-written, fast-paced very traditional Gothic tale taking place in what was then contemporary New England. Young woman takes on the job of housekeeper/caretaker of a weekend house in a small New England village, where a prowler is looking for treasure.

I can't say that it was "A" material but very good - "B+". I'll include it in the top 50, even though I haven't read enough to say it is the greatest. I liked the author's style and hope to find more by her.
I also enjoyed this one. I wish there were more good gothics set in New England.
"Has anyone read any other books by Florence Hurd?"
I have "Nightmare at Mountain Aerie" but I haven't read it yet. I'll bump it to the top of the pile. Smile
this was a very good book. Smile

(04-24-2013, 08:22 PM)RareMale Wrote: [ -> ]"Has anyone read any other books by Florence Hurd?"
I have "Nightmare at Mountain Aerie" but I haven't read it yet. I'll bump it to the top of the pile. Smile

yes. I have 13 books written by her. I did read Night wind at northriding, wade house and the possessed, along with the secret of canfield house. they are a fun read to pass a sunday afternoon. Smile
I did bump "Nightmare at Mountain Aerie" to the top of the pile, but, alas, it was bad. The main character was so dumb that I started to side with the bad guys halfway through the book. Smile
(01-06-2014, 08:26 PM)RareMale Wrote: [ -> ]I did bump "Nightmare at Mountain Aerie" to the top of the pile, but, alas, it was bad. The main character was so dumb that I started to side with the bad guys halfway through the book. Smile

thanks for heads up on this book. I also have this book but I think it will go to the bottom of the pile. I have over 2,500 gothic books in my collection. some of the authors are virginia coffman, dorothy daniiels, marilyn ross, victoria holt, mary stewart phyllis a whitney velda johmston florence hurd willo davis roberts daoma winston katheryn kimbrough allice brennan evelyn bond jan alexander, w.e.d. ross caroline farr just to name a few. I also have 3 deanna dywer booksBig Grin
Hey, if you have 2,500 of them, how about scanning the cover art so that the rest of us can have a look? Smile
(01-07-2014, 10:59 PM)RareMale Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, if you have 2,500 of them, how about scanning the cover art so that the rest of us can have a look? Smile

wish I could but don't know how. I only just got a lab top computer last year. I am turning 60 this feb and to be truthful I am not computer smart but it would be a hoot to show you how many books have the same picture covers. there is a tread on this site that shows some cover art. If ever I find out how to scan and if it doesn't require buying extra equipment, I would be glad to to it, the covers are really great and I think you and all the gothic readers would enjoy seeing them. Smile