I'm a teacher on summer break and haven't been feeling great over the past couple of weeks. Anyhoo, I'm feeling better today and stumbled across this site this site this evening. Something good coming from boredom ;-)
Most of my reading of gothic romance was in my teens, more years ago than I'm up to acknowledging right now. My favorites were Daphne du
Maurier and Phyllis Whitney. I also liked Victoria Holt. I'd really like to find a good new Gothic Romance author. Maybe I'll find some recommendations here.
Writing? I'd like to become a writer. Mystery or Young Adult. Or Gothic Romance, maybe ;-) But right now I'm happy to find time to read. And looking forward to becoming familiar with this site.
Hello Kelly!
The forum is rather slow at the moment, but please don't hesitate to comment, advise, ask, review etc. Any input is welcome!
I hope you'll have (and will continue to have) a good time here.
I haven't found any new authors writing the gothic romances most of us grew up with, but hey, it's still fun to (re-)read the old ones!

(07-16-2012, 08:46 PM)kelican Wrote: [ -> ]I'm a teacher on summer break and haven't been feeling great over the past couple of weeks. Anyhoo, I'm feeling better today and stumbled across this site this site this evening. Something good coming from boredom ;-)
Most of my reading of gothic romance was in my teens, more years ago than I'm up to acknowledging right now. My favorites were Daphne du
Maurier and Phyllis Whitney. I also liked Victoria Holt. I'd really like to find a good new Gothic Romance author. Maybe I'll find some recommendations here.
Writing? I'd like to become a writer. Mystery or Young Adult. Or Gothic Romance, maybe ;-) But right now I'm happy to find time to read. And looking forward to becoming familiar with this site.
Hi Kelly
If you have a Kindle or Nook there are three writers working in the Gothic Romance genre who are members here - Amanda DeWees, Lisa Greer, and Barrymore Tebbs. They all have vastly different styles, but there might be something to your taste. You can find them on Amazon and Barnes and Noble dot com.
Hi, Monique and Charybdis. I hope I'm doing this right. Anyhow, thanks for the greeting.
After finding this site the other evening, I ordered three old gothic novels. I'm not sure which I'll read first, as soon as I finish the book I'm reading now. I see Charybdis has written some of these books--I'll order one of those in my next Amazon buy.
I also got creative and wrote the opening scene of one of my own -- set in the modern-day Missouri Ozarks, with a 50-something hero and heroine. It may npt go anywhere beyond the opening scene but, hey, it felt good to write it ;-)
Okay, now I see you're both writers. Suggestions on the best book to start with?
Hi, Kelican, Lisa Greer here.
I'd suggest starting with Barrymore Tebbs' The Haunting at Blackwood Hall for a zany gothic romance. Or Moonlight on the Palms or one of my other novels for a gothic romance. (Moonlight is .99 until July 31st on amazon and bn.com) My favorite gothic romance writer is Barbara Michaels, and I hope my work has a little of the feel of hers. I know...one can dream.
One of my gothic romance novels, Secrets of Summerspelle, has some sensual romance, though, FYI, if that's not your thing. Just look up Lisa Greer or Barrymore Tebbs on amazon or bn.com (all of my books are on amazon). I think you'll find something on the list to check out. Happy reading!
Lisa Greer
(07-26-2012, 07:32 PM)kelican Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, now I see you're both writers. Suggestions on the best book to start with?
Thanks, Lisa. Will check ;-)