[attachment=576]recently purchased this original cover painting off eBay. it was advertised as possibly being from a Deanna Dwyer/Dean Koontz gothic cover. it is similar to The Dark of Summer but the more I stare at it I get a Marilyn Ross paperback library vibe from it. unfortunately it is unsigned but the back has the number 1524 (book id?) any help from all you wonderfully intelligent gothic romance lovers out there in finding it's actual publication book would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
I think the Deana Dwyer/Dean Koontz lead is a dead end.
You might try looking on this website:
Note you can search there by color.
Also you might inquire at this blog:
You can also do a google search for images related to:
"gothic romance" cover art
The artwork looks very much like it would be appropriate for a gothic romance book cover, probably one with a ghostly presence. I don't recall ever having seen this artwork on a gothic romance. It might be artwork done on spec that was never published on a book cover.
Hope these ideas are useful to you!
Here's another resource:
thank you for some great links. checking out cover browser made me think that it also could have been used as a comic book or magazine cover. the search continues (this is going to be fun).
attachment=578]Good news. The original book has been found.
The Third Child by Aeleta Nichols
Pyramid Books #T-2426
Thank You All for your Help
Major Props to
Sara @ my love-haunted heart blog
Sebastiene Elston @ sebastiene.com
and thetrashcollector.com
That is a creepy cover! Lucky you for owning a print.

(07-10-2013, 12:22 PM)rjorr Wrote: [ -> ]recently purchased this original cover painting off eBay. it was advertised as possibly being from a Deanna Dwyer/Dean Koontz gothic cover. it is similar to The Dark of Summer but the more I stare at it I get a Marilyn Ross paperback library vibe from it. unfortunately it is unsigned but the back has the number 1524 (book id?) any help from all you wonderfully intelligent gothic romance lovers out there in finding it's actual publication book would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
this is on a cover of a gothic book called the third child by aeleta nichols. its a easy read larger type by pyramid books, first printing 1971. The code number looks like 515 426-75. I hope this helps.