I am happy to report that I have read a string of good Gothics recently. Mostly good, not exactly excellent. But it's a far cry from the terrible ones I used to pick up. I think I'll add one to the Best Gothics List. And as soon as I finish my current one, I'll be writing some reviews. I hope this luck lasts 'cus I love to read Gothics.
How did you get so lucky? Where have you been getting your books?
Well, for the most part, I've been getting my books at local book sales and thrift stores. It's so difficult to find good older Gothics. Libraries really don't stock them unless they are reprinted, or unless they are by very well-known prolific authors. Unfortunately, some of the ones I've enjoyed were written by authors who were neither very prolific nor famous. At least, not from everything I've read on this forum. I'd have to do more research on that.
But another good place to find Gothics would be on the internet. You can buy books from online booksellers, but the best bet would be on eBay. There've been several sellers listing lots of books, some good, some not so good.
GothicLover mentioned the Gothic Romance Library, but if I'm going to pay for a book, I'd prefer to keep it. Having said that, the library is a good idea and I might consider donating my books there someday. Not everyone is as thrifty as I am.
I'm currently reading
The House on Crow's Nest Island by Arlene Hale. Veeerrry good.