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Full Version: Errors...unfortunately
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I'm noticing a little too occasionally that descriptions on the backs of these novels don't always mesh with the story. For instance The Black Dog (Goff/1971) says, on back, that Lottie has a fascination for things psychic (occult). She doesn't; her boyfriend Jed does. He gets her (very reluctantly) involved.

Also, sometimes the heroine's depiction on the cover is way off. Eve on the cover of Mostly by Moonlight is depicted as a raven-haired beauty with brown eyes. Eve's described in the book as a blonde with violet eyes. Rolleyes

Most notably, though, are all the typos. Sad The stories are great. Unfortunately the too-often misspellings (lack of proper proofreading and/or text setting) are a disservice to the novels; makes them appear "less intelligently written" (as if these sorts of novels don't already have a few stigmas unfairly attached to them, such as mere fluff).

Honestly, I've not known a genre riddled with so many typos. Sad And especially as these books were published in the 1960s mostly...when I thought there was more attention to detail and correctness. ::shrugs::

Excellent stories though.