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Wondering if other people out there have read Peter Straub and whether they think he's a Gothic writer.

He's a far more subtle and psychological writer than Stephen King (who is too shocking for my stomach most of the time.) But effective.

I've read three of his works thus far.

1. Blue Rose - An eerie, disturbing short story.

2. Mystery - A book I actually didn't like. Not horror or dark fantasy, but a straight-forward mystery that was too long-winded for me. Not very compelling either.

3. lost boy, lost girl - Great horror novel! It won the Bram Stoker award for horror fiction. It was moving and innovative. Disturbing with some awful images, but it engaged me and I was emotionally involved with the characters.
Peter Straub is my favorite author, and I recently finished reading "The Hellfire Club".
I read Shadowland (twice) and definitely would call it Gothic Horror (or just plain Gothic for that matter.

I read the Hellfire Club and didn't like it one bit.
Twice you read Shadowland...
Hope it should be interesting.
I will read it for sure.
Shadowland was a wonderful book. He reminds me of Ray Bradbury in some ways. And I agree, Desdemona, Stephen King can be a bit much for me as well. Sometimes I wonder why he is so popular.
I am currently reading Ghost Story, which I am thoroughly enjoying. In fact, I think I'll get back to it right now!