Gothic Romance Forum, a Community for Gothic Romance Fiction and Literature Lovers

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Hi, lovely guys, I am a new member here and my name is Eris I am from Canada and this is my first post here. I have recently join this forum on my friend reference and I am so sure I will have a good time with all of you. Anyone new hee like me?
Hello Eris I am also new here and wanna say welcome as a member of this board. Hope to join this board will be a cool way to talk with all other members for you and will be for me. Anyway, would you like to let me know what do you like to do in your free time and why join this forum? I am sure you will make a quick reply to have fun with all of us.
Hi good to see you here and would like to say I am glad to know that you welcome me here. Anyhow, I would like to say that, basically, I am a student but have a crazed for traveling. This is my passion and I would like to travel around different place in my free time. What;s about you dude?
That's cool if you love traveling and manage time to go for the outing like me. I am also a travelling freak and try to save some time to travel around new and beautiful places of this world to have fun and capture the beauty of these regions in my camera. I am sure the same reason you also will have behind to be a travel freak? You can share with me frankly.
Really great to see this great conversation. love this and love t be the part of this for sure. I really like this and r really like to introduce here myself as Simar. I am a newbie here and have recently joined this great forum. I am also a traveller and like to explore te world beuty. Nature beauty attracts me a lot.