Hello! I am thrilled to find a site dedicated to Gothic Romance books! I love them and am always searching for ones I don't have, although sometimes the prices on these old books can get a bit outrageous! Would love talking about them with others who enjoy them as well.

Welcome! I'm pretty new here myself but try to check in every few weeks.
Hello Carrie! I was just browsing your pinterest page looking at all the great Gothic covers you have on there and getting ideas for new books to search for.

Can anyone tell me how to add a photo to my profile?
Hello Danceswithbunnies, and welcome.
When you login in you should see and link that says "User CP" near the top left area of the screen. Click on it. It will take you to your profile where you can click on the "Change Avatar" link. This should allow you to upload a picture.
Thank you for the help Doddric! Â

(05-22-2018, 05:46 PM)Danceswithbunnies Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Carrie! I was just browsing your pinterest page looking at all the great Gothic covers you have on there and getting ideas for new books to search for. 
Thanks! I have fun on Pinterest and my Retro Gothic Book Covers board is my most popular.Â
When the first book in my Southern Gothic family saga series,Â
The Possession Chronicles,  in January 2018 I'll be adding more boards for each of the books.