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Robert McGinnis - Wuthering Heights paperback cover.

I'm jealous - that should be hanging in my house!
That's not gothic. It's missing the big dark house with the single lit window in the background...and since this is Wuthering Heights McGinnis had 2 houses to pick from. He has no excuse. There's plenty of empty space on the left of the girl. BTW: Who is this dark haired girl? I thought both of the Cathys were blonde (literally "lightheaded") and Heathcliff was the dark brooding outcast. Talk about ruining the whole symbolism thing....geeeze. Wink
Is this really Wuthering Heights? I'd like to know where you find some of these artwork, Gothmeister? I have never run across any, but then again, I probably can't afford them where you probably get them.

As for the "lightheads", no matter what their book descriptions are, movie directors and casters as well as artists will use their own interpretations.
Des Esseintes Wrote:That's not gothic. It's missing the big dark house with the single lit window in the background...

Wuthering Heights is usually marketed at the student buyer. Covers for books like Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre promote the books as classic literature rather than common garden variety gothic romance (no offense to such works, I love them just as much as the next guy, er, gal, er...)

Take a look through the internet at various editions of the book, rarely will you see a house (and rarely a figure at all) - most often the book covers depict a dreary image of the desolate, windswept moors, which this painting captures quite well, IMO.
Hmmm. I sort of like it, yet it's a bit too bleak. Actually it looks as though it could represent the area wherein I reside, despite it very rarely being that dark/gloomy.

The first thing which struck me about the model is her upturned eyes; "Hurry up and paint me already; my hand's getting tired of clasping the cloak at my throat."
Ummm Cathy was brunette.

Also in every movie adaption of Wuthering Heights (including the one last year) Cathy is shown as a brunette.

I have no clue where anyone whould think she was blond. Her daughter was.

Also, Wuthering Heights is a Gothic novel, therefore any book cover for it fits right in, house on it or no.

One much realize there is more to the gothic tradition than the prototype house/wind/girl novel book covers of the 50's/60's?