Anybody read this one? It's a recently rediscovered classic Gothic that's been reprinted. Supposedly it has everything: romance, secret passages, mystery, eerie setting. It sounds like a lot of fun!
Sorry, never heard of it.
I haven't either. I've been trying to read some of the classic Gothics and have a book containing seven of the older ones. That was not one of them. After we finish the list of 20th century Gothics, perhaps we can make a list of the Classic Gothics. I'd be interested in finding more of those.
Thanks for the link. It didn't say much about when the book was written, etc. "Jane Austen meets Scooby Doo and Buffy" does not sound 18th century. But did you notice on that link, there were some lists people added about Classic Gothics? Some were familiar but some were not. I'll have to get some cheap copies of those books to read.
tamtam Wrote:Thanks for the link.  It didn't say much about when the book was written, etc.  "Jane Austen meets Scooby Doo and Buffy" does not sound 18th century.  But did you notice on that link, there were some lists people added about Classic Gothics? Some were familiar but some were not.  I'll have to get some cheap copies of those books to read.
1796 is when "Bungay Castle" was written, so it's an oldie for sure.
Yes, the Classic Gothic list is very helpful there. I'm going to have to invest in some of these.