Dorothy Eden " Whistle for the Crows " Ace Books reference # K-184 publishing date 1967. Art by Bob Schinella. Good googly moogly this is one sweet cover!
Wondering where you found the book "Whistle for the Crows". I am new here so if there is a subforum for book searches, please let me know. That is one cover I need to have.
rabbitincastle Wrote:Hi
Wondering where you found the book "Whistle for the Crows". I am new here so if there is a subforum for book searches, please let me know. That is one cover I need to have.
Good places to find used books are book sales, thrift stores and used bookstores. However, if you want to find them online, there's always eBay (some eBay ads are on this site - at the top 'Gothic Books' and on the right side), Abebooks and Amazon.