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What are some unusual names you've run across in novels? I remember "Mellyora" in a Victoria Holt book. Can anyone list some different names?
Didn't she also have another heroine named "Damarius"?
Morwenna, in Bride of Pendorric by Victoria Holt. Maybe it's not such an unusual name in Cornwall, where the book is set.

I also remember a character in a Mary Stewart book named Linnet. Not sure of the title, it's been a while.
I always liked Jago in Lord of the Far Island. Victoria Holt always had interesting names.
(10-26-2011, 07:39 AM)complicatedreamer Wrote: [ -> ]I always liked Jago in Lord of the Far Island. Victoria Holt always had interesting names.

It's been awhile since I posted but am feeling gothic-y again so I thought I'd check back into the forum. I remember liking Lord of the Far Island, too, and the name Jago.

An earlier poster mentioned a character named Linnet. I think there was a Linnet in "Saraband for Two Sisters" by Phillippa Carr/Victoria Holt. Linnet had a sister named Bersaba. Another fine and unusual name!