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What's your favorite horror Gothic novel?
"The Haunting of Hill House" by Shirley Jakcson is an economical, riveting horror Gothic that set the literary standard for horror Gothics of the 20th century. I like my horror restrained and psychological, and this book delivers.
Agreed! I also enjoyed We Have Always Lived in the Castle, also by Shirley Jackson. I found this book to be even more disturbing than Hill House.
Desdemona Wrote:Agreed!  I also enjoyed We Have Always Lived in the Castle, also by Shirley Jackson.  I found this book to be even more disturbing than Hill House.

Yes! Another excellent Gothic novel, very Lizzie Borden in tone.
Dracula... I love it. It's my all time favourite novel.
Heathcliffe's girl. Wrote:Dracula... I love it. It's my all time favourite novel.

DITTO! Big Grin
Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia defines a gothic novel as "one characterized by horror, violence, supernatural effects, and a taste for the midieval, usually set against a background of Gothic architecture, esp. a gloomy & isolated castle." A broad category indeed. A lot could fit into it.
nice post.......
(10-28-2007, 09:10 PM)Desdemona Wrote: [ -> ]Agreed! I also enjoyed We Have Always Lived in the Castle, also by Shirley Jackson. I found this book to be even more disturbing than Hill House.

I only just recently read this novel but I thought it was good too. It would make an excellent Tim Burton movie if he could stick to the darkness of it and avoid making it cute.