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It would be a pity if this great forum were to die a slow death. In an attempt to get the ball rolling again, how's this for an original ice-breaker: "Read any good books lately?"

I'm presently halfway through Storm House by Florence Hurd (not to be confused with Lady of Storm House by Evelyn Bond). So far it's proving to be the sort of high-tension, well paced story I've come to expect of Hurd when she's at her best. I'll post a full review when I've finished reading it.

What are you reading?
I'm reading Marion Fay by Anthony Trollope. Not quite a gothic, but it has a romance and lots of authentic detail about the Victorian period. I'm working my way through his 100+ novels and find them very interesting.

It is hard to find good gothics for my Kindle. I'd recommend the new Haunted Hearts series of gothics being put out by Red Rose Publishing ( There are about a half dozen so far, all by authors in the Romance Writers of America's Gothic Romance Writers chapter. All are available electronically and some in print format.
@GothicLover: Thanks for the Haunted Hearts suggestion!

These days I've been reading other genres mostly. Don't know if you'll want the titles, but I adore the Private and Privilege series by Kate Brian. And just now I've discovered the awesome Her Royal Spyness series by Rhys Bowen.
I'll be doing a lot of reading in May when on holiday and I'll be sure to slip in some gothics and write a review for the site.
I’ve been catching up with some titles by one of my favourite horror writers – Dean Koontz. I’ve just finished The Darkest Evening of the Year and am about halfway through Winter Moon – both I would recommend.

Dean Koontz also wrote gothic novels under the pseudonym Deanna Dwyer – they are quite rare and occasionally pop up on E-bay for stupid amounts of money. I’d love the chance to read them - he’s such a chilling, poetic writer I’d imagine his gothics are wonderful. Has anyone on the forum read any?

I've read quite a few of Dean Koontz' books as well. I like the earlier ones best. The older he gets, the more he writes about non-important stuff to fill out the books (just like Stephen King does. Ugh!).

I've searched Deanna Dwyer on IRC and found five books (downloading as we speak):
- Dance With The Devil
- Children Of The Storm
- Legacy Of Terror
- The Dark Of Summer
- Demon child
Thank you for the recommendation! I'll write reviews after reading them, of course.
(04-23-2011, 11:04 AM)Charybdis Wrote: [ -> ]I've read quite a few of Dean Koontz' books as well. I like the earlier ones best. The older he gets, the more he writes about non-important stuff to fill out the books (just like Stephen King does. Ugh!).

I've searched Deanna Dwyer on IRC and found five books (downloading as we speak):
- Dance With The Devil
- Children Of The Storm
- Legacy Of Terror
- The Dark Of Summer
- Demon child
Thank you for the recommendation! I'll write reviews after reading them, of course.

Thanks for the list Charybdis. I've heard of Demon Child and Legacy of Terror but hadn't realised he wrote that many. Looking forward to your reviews!
I've uploaded them here. It'll be nice to share our experiences!
I've started "The dark of summer" this afternoon; looks to be good.
Currently reading Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. I should have read it years ago. It is excellent.
I'm currently reading THE TURRET ROOM by Charlotte Armstrong, 1965. Not too far into it, but so far it's really caught me!