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Full Version: Could a Gothics micro-market exist today?
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Well, I started a thread about this over at Kindleboards in the Writer's Cafe and have gotten a few responses. One of the authors has decided to write one now! She used to love them as well. She has a blog and is going to blog about the writing of the book all the way through the process. There is also a link to the thread I started on her new Gothic blog. Take a look:

This will be fun to watch how it all works out. She is going to write two of them as ebook sales tend to be better if you have more than one book in a genre or series.
(08-19-2011, 03:53 AM)Jace Wrote: [ -> ]Well, I started a thread about this over at Kindleboards in the Writer's Cafe and have gotten a few responses. One of the authors has decided to write one now! She used to love them as well. She has a blog and is going to blog about the writing of the book all the way through the process. There is also a link to the thread I started on her new Gothic blog. Take a look:

This will be fun to watch how it all works out. She is going to write two of them as ebook sales tend to be better if you have more than one book in a genre or series.

Jace, that is wonderful news! I've checked out "Angelina's" blog and can't wait to follow her progress. I hope other writers take up the cause and follow suit. Wouldn't it be great if this really does lead to a Gothics renaissance, even a "mini" one in the realm of ebooks?
Isn't it wonderful? She blogged today that she has chosen her setting. Cornwall. That was always my favorite setting so I'm really excited. Here is a link to the thread at Kindleboards and it is garnering some interest among the writers:
I also have a working title: "Winter's Cove"

A Gothic/Paranormal fusion might sell in today's market. Image an old creepy house, beautiful young heroine, vampire in a crypt out back, brooding werewolf hero.... It would be awful, but it would sell. Tongue
(08-20-2011, 11:28 AM)RareMale Wrote: [ -> ]A Gothic/Paranormal fusion might sell in today's market. Image an old creepy house, beautiful young heroine, vampire in a crypt out back, brooding werewolf hero.... It would be awful, but it would sell. Tongue

That's pretty much what I wrote. (With the exception of awful) LOL, Time Travel, Gothic, Romantic Suspense. If anyone is interested I have a sample at my website ( 3 Chapters) It's done very well in the Gothic category. Maybe you could let me know if this is what you were thinking about.
Tammie, I've already discovered your wonderful book and I will be featuring it on my new site, promoting paranormal fiction for kindle. Smile I'm on kb as JeanneM. I'll let you know when your book is up! It looks so good.
(08-21-2011, 03:12 PM)Jace Wrote: [ -> ]Tammie, I've already discovered your wonderful book and I will be featuring it on my new site, promoting paranormal fiction for kindle. Smile I'm on kb as JeanneM. I'll let you know when your book is up! It looks so good.
Wow! Thanks JACE. That's wonderful to know. Is your new site up yet? My book has a lot of plot, twists and turns around every corner so either folks love it or hate it. Fortunately, more seem to love it than not. LOL.

For me this is such a great discussion. I even posted something on KB earlier this week trying to network with other gothic or time travel authors, but last time I looked no one responded. I know readers and authors for these categories are out there they just don't seem to be networked together very well. Hopefull, this is all about to change. Smile
You are very welcome. Smile The site is up and I'm adding to it daily. It is

I can't recall if I put your book up yet or not. If I haven't, I'll have it up this week for sure. Smile I love plot twists so I know I'm going to like it.

I know what you mean about connecting with others. I think there are a lot of writers who read the threads here and there at kb but don't always post. I would like to network too with other pararnormal and gothic lovers.

I stumbled across this site one day and am so happy I found it. Let's hope people discover the joy of Gothics for the first time or rediscover them. And let's bring them here. This is a great place. I'm sure many would love it.
(08-22-2011, 04:48 AM)Jace Wrote: [ -> ]You are very welcome. Smile The site is up and I'm adding to it daily. It is

I can't recall if I put your book up yet or not. If I haven't, I'll have it up this week for sure. Smile I love plot twists so I know I'm going to like it.

I know what you mean about connecting with others. I think there are a lot of writers who read the threads here and there at kb but don't always post. I would like to network too with other pararnormal and gothic lovers.

I stumbled across this site one day and am so happy I found it. Let's hope people discover the joy of Gothics for the first time or rediscover them. And let's bring them here. This is a great place. I'm sure many would love it.

Love your site. I mentioned it this morning on my new writers blog FREEBIES FOR WRITERS Hope you don't mind. I used your header to get the post more attention. Hope it helps to let others know about your site.

Yes, you have my book in the time travel category.
Thanks! Tammie
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