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Book Review Index - Charybdis - 04-25-2011

December 10, 2016: This list has been updated and been split in to several separate posts. See here and here.

Updated January 5th, 2013

Sorted by title:
90 Gramercy Park by Priscilla Dalton (1965)
A Dark and Splendid Passion by Lady Eleanor Smith (1941)
A Falcon for a Queen by Catherine Gaskin (1974)
A Gathering of Moondust by Patricia Morton (1965)
A Heritage of Shadows by Madeleine Brent (1983)
A Man From the Mist by Mary Elgin (1973)
Amber Twilight by Miriam Lynch (1976)
Ammie, Come Home by Barbara Michaels (1968)
Arcadia Falls by Carol Goodman (2010)
Barrow Sinister by Elsie Lee (1969)
Bells of Widow's Bay by Miriam Lynch (1971)
Beneath the Shadows by Sara Foster (2011)
Black Amber by Phyllis A. Whitney (1991)
Black Rainbow by Barbara Michaels (2005)
Blackmaddie by Rowena Summers (1990)
Bluethorne by Frances McHugh (1966)
Brat Farrar by Josephine Tey (1949)
Bride of Moat House by Peter Curtis (1969)
Bride of Pendorric by Victoria Holt (1987)
Brownstone Gothic by Elizabeth Shenkin (1968)
Castle Midnight by Evelyn McKenna (1966)
Cat and Mouse by Christianna Brand (1950)
Chalet diabolique by Virginia Coffman (1978)
Clarimonde by Theophile Gautier (1836)
Cousin Kate by Georgette Heyer (1968)
Crimson falcon by Sara Hylton (1986)
Crystal Shadows by Michele Yount Thomas (1989)
Dance with the devil by Deanna Dwyer (1972)
Dark enchantment by Dorothy Macardle (1953)
Dark Legacy by Theresa Charles (1947)
Darsham's Tower by Harriet Esmond (1973)
Daughters of England by Philippa Carr (1995)
Dear Deadly Cara by Grace Zaring Stone (1968)
Do Not Disturb by Helen McCloy (1954)
Enchanted Circle by Alicia Grace (1968)
Fairer than She by Theresa Charles (1953)
Fear No Evil by Alice Brennan (1970)
Fiona by Catherine Gaskin (1970)
Flowers in the attic by V C Andrews (1979)
Gemini in Darkness by Clarissa Ross (1969)
Ghost ship of Fog Island by Marilyn Ross (1975)
Her Stepfather's House - June Wetherall (1972)
Heritage of Evil by Joan Lockwood (1968)
Hiding from the Light by Barbara Erskine (2002)
House Malign by Julie Wellsley (1967)
House of Dark Illusions by Caroline Farr (1973)
House of Fand by Anne Maybury 1967)
Houses of Stone by Barbara Michaels 1993)
Houses of Stone by Barbara Michaels (1993)
House on Crow's Nest Island by Arlene Hale (1968)
In the Footsteps of Dracula by Steven P. Unger (2010)
Ironwood by Jennie Melville
Jane by April Lindner (2010)
Journey to Love by Rona Randall  (1972)
Karamour by Ariadne Pritchett (1968)
Keys of Hell by Louise Osborne (1975)
Kilgaren by Isabelle Holland  (1974)
Kingdom of Shadows by Barbara Erskine (1988)
Listen to the Shadows by Joan Hall Hovey (1991)
Loch Sinister by Marilyn Ross (1974)
Maiden's Prayer by Joan Fleming (1957)
Mansion of Golden Windows by Elsie Lee (1976)
Mask of the Night by Mary Ryan (1994)
Menfreya in the Morning by Victoria Holt (1966)
Midnight is a Lonely Place by Barbara Erskine (1994)
Mill Reef Hall by Ariadne Pritchett (1968)
Mist of Evil by Patty Brisco (1976)
Mistress of Blackstone Castle by Patricia Werner (1991)
Mistress of Cliff House by Jeanne Stephens 1987)
Mostly by Moonlight by Dorothy Daniels (1965)
Moura by Virginia Coffman (1959)
Mrs. Bartheleme's Madness by Susan Claudia (1977)
Museum Piece No. 13 by Rufus King (1946)
Night of Evil, by Genevieve St. John (1967)
Night of the Pentagram by Barrymore Tebbs (2011)
Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart (1958)
Nun's Castle by Jennie Melville 1973)
Nurse at the Castle by Joanne Holden (1965)
On the Night of the Seventh Moon by Victoria Holt (1972)
Out of the Dark by Nora Lofts (1972)
Passport to Danger by Jessyca Paul (1969)
Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux (1909)
Rebecca's Tale by Sally Beauman (2001)
Return to Terror by Theresa Charles (1963)
Ruby by Virginia Andrews (1994)
Satan's Rock by Marilyn Ross (1966)
Sea Jade by Phyllis Whitney (1964)
Sea of Secrets by Amanda DeWees (2012)
Season of Evil by Jane Gordon (1965)
Shadow of a Cat by Poppy Nottingham (1974)
Shadow of Danger by Mary Forker Ford (1971)
Shattered Silk by Barbara Michaels (1986)
Silk and Secrets by Linda Madl (2002)
Snare of Serpents by Victoria Holt (1990)
Someone in the House by Barbara Michaels (1981)
Strangers on the Moor by Sylvia Thorpe (1966)
Susannah beware by Jennifer Wilde and T E Huff (1976)
The Auctioneer  by Joan Samson (1975)
The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (2009)
The Angel's Promise by Frederic Lenoir & Violette Cabesos (2006)
The Arrangement by Joan Wolf (1997)
The Benevent Treasure by Patricia Wentworth (1978)
The Black Dog by Georgena Goff (1971)
The Brides of Dracula by Dean Owen (2011)
The Captive by Victoria Holt (1989)
The Changeling by Margaret Higgins (1973)
The Cliffs of Death by Claude Nicole (1976)
The Crystal Crow by Joan Aiken (1975)
The Dark Guardian by Vanessa Blake (1973)
The Dark of Memory by Paula Minton (1967)
The Dark of Summer by Deanna Dwyer (1972)
The Darkening Willows by Priscilla Dalton (1965)
The Devil on Horseback by Victoria Holt (1977)
The Door to the Tower by Sylvia G.L. Dannet (1966)
The Fatal Key by Megan Chance (2003)
The Flight of Gemma Hardy by Margot Livesey (2012)
The Fortune Hunters by Joan Aiken (1966)
The Ghost Orchid by Carol Goodman (2006)
The Ghost Writer by John Harwood (2004)
The Gift Shop by Charlotte Armstrong (1966)
The Gorgon's Head by Florence Hurd (1971)
The Hangman's Tree by Dorothy Cameron Disney (1951)
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson (1959)
The House at Thunder Cove by Michele Yount Thomas (1987)
The House of a Thousand Lanterns by Victoria Holt (1974)
The House of Ravensbourne by Mary Ann Gibbs (1964)
The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1851)
The House of Two Wives by Douglas Locke (1967)
The House on the Moat by Virginia Coffman (1977)
The Iron Gates by Margaret Millar (1945)
The Ivy Tree by Mary Stewart (1961)
The Judas Kiss by Victoria Holt (1981)
The Lake of Dead Languages by Carol Goodman (2002)
The Landower Legacy by Victoria Holt (1984)
The Lantern by Deborah Lawrenson (2011)
The Lattimore Arch by Angela Gray (1971)
The Legend of the Green Man by Sara Hely (1973)
The Lily Pond by Dorothy Daniels (1974)
The Love Talker by Elizabeth Peters (1980)
The Mask of the Enchantress by Victoria Holt (1980)
The Master of Aysgarth by Margaret Mayhew (1976)
The Master of Phoenix Hall by Edwina Marlow (1968)
The Mirror by Marlys Millhiser (1978)
The Mistress of Trevelyan by Jennifer St. Giles (2004)
The Phantom Returns by Stephanie Cole (2007)
The Pretty Ones by Dorothy Eden (1957)
The Prisoner of Ingecliffe by Jean Bellamy (1971)
The Queen Bee by Edna Lee (1943)
The Rochemer Hag by Louise W. King (1967)
The Sandalwood Fan by Katherine Wigmore Eyre (1968)
The Seance by John Harwood (2008)
The Second Duchess by Elizabeth Loupas (2011)
The Secret of Canfield House by Florence Hurd (1966)
The Shifting Shadows of Moongate by Michele Yount Thomas (1991)
The Sign of the Ram by Margaret Ferguson (1945)
The Silent, Silken Shadows by Priscilla Dalton (1965)
The Spiral Staircase by Ethel Lina White (1933)
The Teville Obsession by Caroline Stafford (1978)
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield (2006)
The Town Cried Murder by Leslie Ford (1968)
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James (1898)
The Unguarded by Dorothy Daniels (1965)
The Voice of Murder by Margaret Erskine (1975)
The Yellow Gold of Tiryns by Helena Osborne (1969)

The Young Widow by Eleanor Elford Cameron (1974)
This Old Evil House by Laura Frances Brooks (1975)
Thunder on the Right by Mary Stewart (1957)
Touch not the cat by Mary Stewart (1976)
Uncle Silas by Sheridan Le Fanu (1864)
Wait for what will come by Barbara Michaels (1978)
Walk a Tightrope by Julie Ellis (1975)
While She Sleeps by Ethel Lina White (1966)
Whistle for the Crows by Dorothy Eden (1962)
Who is Melody? by Patricia Drew (1968)
Widow's Walk by Mary Bishop (1975)
Wildfire at Midnight by Mary Stewart (1956)
Wingarden by Elsie Lee (1971)
Winter Castle by Alexandra Bel-Robere (1972)
Wyndspelle by Aola Vandergriff (1975)

Sorted by author:
Aiken, Joan - The Fortune Hunters - 1966
Aiken, Joan - The Crystal Crow - 1975
Andrews, V C - Flowers in the attic - 1979
Andrews, Virginia - Ruby - 1994
Armstrong, Charlotte - The Gift Shop - 1966
Beauman, Sally - Rebecca's Tale - 2001
Bellamy, Jean - The Prisoner of Ingecliffe - 1971
Bel-Robere, Alexandra - Winter Castle - 1972
Bishop, Mary - Widow's Walk - 1975
Blake, Vanessa - The Dark Guardian - 1973
Brand, Christianna - Cat and Mouse - 1950
Brennan, Alice - Fear No Evil - 1970
Brent, Madeleine - A Heritage of Shadows - 1983
Brisco, Patty - Mist of Evil - 1976
Brooks, Laura Frances - This Old Evil House - 1975
Cameron Disney, Dorothy - The Hangman's Tree - 1951
Carr, Philippa - Daughters of England - 1995
Chance, Megan - The Fatal Key - 2003
Charles, Theresa - Dark Legacy - 1947
Charles, Theresa - Fairer than She - 1953
Charles, Theresa - Return to Terror - 1963
Claudia, Susan - Mrs. Bartheleme's Madness - 1977
Coffman, Virginia - Moura - 1959
Coffman, Virginia - The House on the Moat - 1977
Coffman, Virginia - Chalet diabolique - 1978
Cole, Stephanie - The Phantom Returns - 2007
Curtis, Peter - Bride of Moat House - 1969
Dalton, Priscilla - 90 Gramercy Park - 1965
Dalton, Priscilla - The Darkening Willows - 1965
Dalton, Priscilla - The Silent, Silken Shadows - 1965
Daniels, Dorothy - Mostly Moonlight - 1965
Daniels, Dorothy - The unguarded - 1965
Daniels, Dorothy - The Lily Pond - 1974
Dannet, Sylvia G.L. - The Door to the Tower - 1966
DeWees, Amanda - Sea of Secrets - 2012
Drew, Patricia - Who is Melody? - 1968
Dwyer, Deanna - The Dark of Summer - 1972
Dwyer, Deanna - Dance with the devil - 1972
Eden, Dorothy - The Pretty Ones - 1957
Eden, Dorothy - Whistle for the Crows - 1962
Elford Cameron, Eleanor - The Young Widow - 1974
Elgin, Mary - A Man From the Mist - 1973
Ellis, Julie - Walk a Tightrope - 1975
Erskine, Barbara - Kingdom of Shadows - 1988
Erskine, Barbara - Midnight is a Lonely Place - 1994
Erskine, Barbara - Hiding from the Light - 2002
Erskine, Margaret - The Voice of Murder - 1975
Esmond, Harriet - Darsham's Tower - 1973
Farr, Caroline - House of Dark Illusions - 1973
Ferguson, Margaret - The Sign of the Ram - 1945
Fleming, Joan - Maiden's Prayer - 1957
Ford, Leslie - The Town Cried Murder - 1968
Forker Ford, Mary - Shadow of Danger - 1971
Foster, Sara - Beneath the Shadows - 2011
Gaskin, Catherine - Fiona - 1970
Gaskin, Catherine - A Falcon for a Queen - 1974
Gautier, Theophile - Clarimonde - 1836
Gibbe, Mary Ann - The House of Ravensbourne - 1964
Goff, Georgena - The Black Dog - 1971
Goodman, Carol - The Lake of Dead Languages - 2002
Goodman, Carol - The Ghost Orchid - 2006
Goodman, Carol - Arcadia Falls - 2010
Gordon, Jane - Season of Evil - 1965
Grace, Alicia - Enchanted Circle - 1968
Gray, Angela - The Lattimore Arch - 1971
Hale, Arlene - House on Crow's Nest Island - 1968
Harwood, John - The Ghost Writer - 2004
Harwood, John - The Seance - 2008
Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The House of the Seven Gables - 1851
Hely, Sara - The Legend of the Green Man - 1973
Heyer, Georgette - Cousin Kate - 1968
Higgins, Margaret - The Changeling - 1973
Holden, Joanne - Nurse at the Castle - 1965
Holland, Isabelle - Kilgaren - 1974
Holt, Victoria - Menfreya in the Morning - 1966
Holt, Victoria - On the Night of the Seventh Moon - 1972
Holt, Victoria - The House of a Thousand Lanterns - 1974
Holt, Victoria - The Devil on Horseback - 1977
Holt, Victoria - The Mask of the Enchantress - 1980
Holt, Victoria - The Judas Kiss - 1981
Holt, Victoria - The Landower Legacy - 1984
Holt, Victoria - Bride of Pendorric - 1987
Holt, Victoria - The Captive - 1989
Holt, Victoria - Snare of Serpents - 1990
Hovey, Joan Hall - Listen to the Shadows - 1991
Hurd, Florence - The Secret of Canfield House - 1966
Hurd, Florence - The Gorgon's Head - 1971
Hylton, Sara - Crimson Falcon - 1986
Jackson, Shirley - The Haunting of Hill House - 1959
James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw - 1898
King, Louise W. - The Rochemer Hag - 1967
King, Rufus - Museum Piece No. 13 - 1946
Lawrenson, Deborah - The Lantern - 2011
Le Fanu, Sheridan - Uncle Silas - 1864
Lee, Edna - The Queen Bee - 1943
Lee, Elsie - Barrow Sinister - 1969
Lee, Elsie - Wingarden - 1971
Lee, Elsie - Mansion of Golden Windows - 1976
Lenoir, Frederic & Violette Cabesos - The Angel's Promise - 2006
Leroux, Gaston - Phantom of the Opera - 1909
Lindner, April - Jane - 2010
Livesey, Margot - The Flight of Gemma Hardy - 2012
Locke, Douglas - The House of Two Wives (1967)
Lockwood, Joan - Heritage of Evil - 1968
Lofts, Nora - Out of the Dark - 1972
Loupas, Elizabeth - The Second Duchess - 2011
Lynch, Miriam - Bells of Widow's Bay - 1971
Lynch, Miriam - Amber Twilight - 1976
Macardle, Dorothy - Dark enchantment - 1953
Madl, Linda - Silk and Secrets - 2002
Marlow, Edwina - The Master of Phoenix Hall - 1968
Maybury, Anne - House of Fand - 1967
Mayhew, Margaret - The Master of Aysgarth - 1976
McCloy, Helen - Do Not Disturb - 1954
McHugh, Frances - Bluethorne - 1966
McKenna, Evelyn - Castle Midnight - 1966
Melville, Jennie - Ironwood - 1972
Melville, Jennie - Nun's Castle - 1973
Michaels, Barbara - Ammie, Come Home - 1968
Michaels, Barbara - Wait for what will come - 1978
Michaels, Barbara - Someone in the House - 1981
Michaels, Barbara - Shattered Silk - 1986
Michaels, Barbara - Houses of Stone - 1993
Michaels, Barbara - Houses of Stone - 1993
Michaels, Barbara - Black Rainbow - 2005
Millar, Margaret - The Iron Gates - 1945
Millhiser, Marlys - The Mirror - 1978
Minton, Paula - The Dark of Memory - 1967
Morton, Patricia - A Gathering of Moondust - 1965
Nicole, Claude - The Cliffs of Death - 1976
Nottingham, Poppy - Shadow of a Cat - 1974
Osborne, Helen - The Yellow Gold of Tiryns - 1969
Osborne, Louise - Keys of Hell - 1975
Owen, Dean - The Brides of Dracula - 2011
Paul, Jessyca - Passport to Danger - 1969
Peters, Elizabeth - The Love Talker - 1980
Pritchett, Ariadne - Karamour - 1968
Pritchett, Ariadne - Mill Reef Hall - 1968
Randall, Rona - Journey to Love - 1972
Ross, Clarissa - Gemini in Darkness - 1969
Ross, Marilyn - Satan's Rock - 1966
Ross, Marilyn - Loch Sinister - 1974
Ross, Marilyn - Ghost Ship of Fog Island - 1975
Ryan, Mary - Mask of the Night - 1994
Samson, Joan - The Auctioneer - 1975
Setterfield, Diane - The Thirteenth Tale - 2006
Shenkin, Elizabeth - Brownstone Gothic - 1968
Smith, Lady Eleanor - A Dark and Splendid Passion - 1941
St. Giles, Jennifer - The Mistress of Trevelyan - 2004
St. John, Genevieve - Night of Evil - 1967
Stafford, Caroline - The Teville Obsession - 1978
Stephens, Jeanne - Mistress of Cliff House - 1987
Stewart, Mary - Wildfire at Midnight - 1956
Stewart, Mary - Thunder on the Right - 1957
Stewart, Mary - Nine Coaches Waiting - 1958
Stewart, Mary - The Ivy Tree - 1961
Stewart, Mary - Touch not the cat - 1976
Summers, Rowena - Blackmaddie - 1990
Tebbs, Barrymore - Night of the Pentagram - 2011
Tey, Josephine - Brat Farrar - 1949
Thorpe, Sylvia - Strangers on the Moor - 1966
Unger, Steven P. - In the Footsteps of Dracula - 2010
Vandergriff, Aola - Wyndspelle - 1975
Wellsley, Julie - House Malign - 1967
Wentworth, Patricia - The Benevent Treasure - 1978
Werner, Patricia - Mistress of Blackstone Castle - 1991
Wetherall, June - Her Stepfather's House - 1972
Whitney, Phyllis - Sea Jade - 1964
Whitney, Phyllis A. - Black Amber - 1991
Wigmore Eyre, Katherine - The Sandalwood Fan - 1968
Wilde, Jennifer and T E Huff - Susannah beware - 1976
Yount Thomas, Michele - The House at Thunder Cove - 1987
Yount Thomas, Michele - Crystal Shadows - 1989
Yount Thomas, Michele - The Shifting Shadows of Moongate - 1991
White, Ethel Lina - The Spiral Staircase - 1933
White, Ethel Lina - While She Sleeps! - 1957
Wolf, Joan - The Arrangement - 1997
Zafon, Carlos Ruiz - The Angel's Game - 2009
Zaring Stone, Grace - Dear Deadly Cara - 1968

RE: Book Review Index - GothAdmin - 07-28-2011

Thank you very much for taking the time to put this list together, Charybdis!