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Recs for newbies?

First, let me say I'm SO glad to find this forum! My interest was actually sparked by a LiveJournal community that made icons of several book covers Smile They looked so interesting, I had to learn more...[/font]

So, for someone who's new to this genre - what classic gothics would you recommend?

*goes to browse the forum*
You just opened the box, Pandora! You'll probably get recommendations all over the Gothic map, but I'm first in the door so here's my recs:

early 20th century classic: Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
pre-20th century classic: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
mid-20th century classics: Mistress of Mellyn by Victoria Holt
Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart

There is also a list of 50 "best" floating around somewhere here on the forum, but the real joy comes in uncovering some gems among the thousands of paperback originals that reeled off the presses from the late 1950s to the early 1970s. Take a look at the review sections here, or better yet, cruise on over to eBay and bid on a "vintage gothic lot"...$10 to $20 will get you quite a starter kit!

and WELCOME to the group!
Hey, I'm new as well.

I would have to say my all time recommendations would be Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, as its a complete classic, but on top of that I would say Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness, and Thomas Love Peacock's Nightmare Abbey!!![/size]

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