02-20-2009, 04:38 AM
Valancourt Wrote:What about Dragonwyck by Anya Senton?
It's a long time favourite of mine and is set in upstate New York in the 1840's.
This book has such atmospehere and presence. It was one of the very 1st gothic novels I read when I was 9, so it does hold that soft spot in my heart!
But it IS a grand novel and the movie with Vicent Price was delicious as well!
Yes! I just read Dragonwyck and enjoyed it immensely. Then I ordered the movie on Netflix and watched that. I'm glad I read the book first. The movie is good, though of course could not approach the complexity of characterization that the book offered. I'm a big fan of Vincent Price but I thought he was slightly miscast as Van Ryn, though he did a great job with his part. It may simply be that I had "cast" him somewhat differently in my mind. Gene Tierney in my opinion made a fabulous Miranda and was so utterly lovely, not to mention an excellent actress. I felt every one of her emotions authentically.
Back to the book, my hat is off to Anya Seton. I must investigate what else she wrote.