09-29-2009, 08:50 AM
I don't like reworked plots either, but it can help a lot when you don't read them back to back and forget about a lot of the details. Variating the genres is best. Unfortunately sometimes I'm curious to read a whole series of books one after the other and then may experience myself that curiosity kills the cat. 
I read on other forums that more people suffer this effect and authors that started out being favorites like J.R. Ward, Janet Evanovich, J.D. Robb and Christine Feehan to name a few, had people complaining about the umtieth sequel they needed to read just because they once said they loved the series and now only want to know what happens to the main characters.
Andrews' "Flowers in the attic" was fresh and novel but in my opinion could have done without the sequels and the prequel as well.

I read on other forums that more people suffer this effect and authors that started out being favorites like J.R. Ward, Janet Evanovich, J.D. Robb and Christine Feehan to name a few, had people complaining about the umtieth sequel they needed to read just because they once said they loved the series and now only want to know what happens to the main characters.
Andrews' "Flowers in the attic" was fresh and novel but in my opinion could have done without the sequels and the prequel as well.