11-02-2008, 12:37 AM
MysteryMind Wrote:Having lived in New England and being awed by the setting there, I love reading American gothic novels set in New England. I prefer them to be historical, but if it is contemporary from the 50s-60s I enjoy them also. Although I love the New England of today, it does not have the same atmosphere as it would in the past. Much of New England is rural and the feeling of isolation lends itself to an eeriness that you can’t get in a major metropolitan area. I think too much technology destroys the suspense sustained when the characters are unsure of what is happening around them.
I came across a book that may interest people wanting a New England setting. I didn't get too far into it, but someone else may like it.
The book is called "The Witch of Blackbird Pond" by Elizabeth George Speare and it is sometimes marketed as a young adult book. I think it could be considered as much a Gothic romance as anything else I have seen posted on this site. It's about a young woman in the 1600s who comes to America and is accused of being a witch, mostly because of her intelligence and independent ways (of course!). There are three men interested in her, but which one really loves her?