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Do you get scared when you read ever?
Do you get scared when you read? I usually don't get scared, and when I do I only get a little scared. I like horror books for the suspense, though.

If you get scared, do you get scared while you are reading or after you have been reading and put down the book?
Not necessarily scared, more disturbed. Last time I was disturbed by a book was with Brett Easton Ellis's American Psycho at the insouciant, almost blase manner in which the central character metes out violence (at one point he matter-of-fact-ly spoons the eyes out of street urchin.)
I didn't read that book, but I want to. I saw the movie American Psycho. Is that based on the book? The movie is definitely disturbing.
I don't like being scared because I can't get to sleep! But I do enjoy being disturbed and/or creeped out.
Sometimes, I get scared, sometimes I don't. when I was much younger, I could get scared. But now, when sometimes I read again th same books, I hardly get scared.
The only book i can remember being truly disturbed by was Dracula. I know it sounds silly, but i happened to be reading the part where the count seduces Mina, him entering the room as a bat....shutters banging, her screaming.... and it happend to be 1 oclock in the morning in the middle of a thunderstorm, the atmosphere was significantly heightened by the weather. Same with Frankenstein, though not to the same degree.
The only book i can remember being truly disturbed by was Dracula. I know it sounds silly, but i happened to be reading the part where the count seduces Mina, him entering the room as a bat....shutters banging, her screaming.... and it happend to be 1 oclock in the morning in the middle of a thunderstorm, the atmosphere was significantly heightened by the weather. Same with Frankenstein, though not to the same degree.
What scares me during reading is far from Gothic fiction... It would be off-topic to post it here.
I scared myself by reading Dracula but I was quite young, early teens. I remember reading the Exorcist too around that time and having to leave the light on.
Now I don't, I'm more disturbed by violent scenes although I did read a short story recently in bed and had to skim read the last bit as I was feeling a bit nervous about being in the house alone. That's good writing if it can make me feel like that. I read it again properly in the daylight and was fine.
it is always scary to read these books.

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