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First person vs. third person?
It seems that the majority of Gothics are written in first person, though I've read quite a few in third person too. Do other readers have a preference? A trivial point, but I'm curious if there's a consensus among Gothic fans. In general, I prefer third person narrative, but I also feel that first person seems particularly suited for the Gothic romance/suspense genre. Sometimes I finish a book and can't remember if it was told in first or third person -- a sure sign the author has done a good job with the narrative by simply drawing me into the story without being conscious of a writer.
Not a trivial point at all! In fact, I have always much preferred first person. In my teens, I wouldn't even read a third person gothic. I would close the book in disgust! I have since learned to be more tolerant and have discovered many good third person stories.( I blame this on Victoria Holt, who was the first modern gothic writer I read.)
I agree with you about Gothics; the first person auctorial voice seems perfectly suited to the genre, maybe because it keeps the protagonist in the dark about the other characters' motives and what they're thinking, and because it makes the story totally her own experience.

In other genres, like mystery, I have no particular preference; but I tend to favor third person because it makes me less conscious of an author and simply immerses me in the story, and because it allows multiple points of view and an omniscient voice. This would especially apply for me in a speculative genre like fantasy, where you need sweep and scope and where first person would be too restrictive. (Imagine Lord of the Rings told in the first person from Frodo's point of view -- it would be myopic!)
I prefer first person view. That way it's far easier to identify with the main character. I've read a lot of historical romances in my day and in most of them I didn't like the hero. Reading from the perspective of a character you don't like makes the book hard to swallow.
I also totally hate books in general where you start chapter one getting introduced to, say, characters A and B. Chapter two isn't about A and B at all, but you meet, hi there, characters C and D. Chapter three involves even more characters and by then I'm not even sure who is my "main" character anymore. This happens a lot with e-books I download; I don't have a blurb to check where my focus should be. So hurray for the first person narrative!

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